Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Good story, Not enough for a whole film
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Christopher T. Chase
Sorry, I had to do it...I will probably never get the chance to give a lot of the words in the 'V' category this kind of a workout again...They are apt descriptors for the reality-show twelve-car-pileup that is TRUE BEAUTY. A show that gives the rest of us "ugly Americanos" the chance to sit back and revel in the irony, that yes, all the beautiful people who gave you hell through grade school, high school, college and maybe even now where you work or live - they have flatter stomachs, bigger boobs, brawnier biceps, fabulous faces that cameras make love to, and will never stop reminding you of it every chance they get. But the majority of them also have so little brain power, it's a wonder how their parents ever let them out of the house. Amoebas look like Einstein's progeny next to these dim bulbs.The show's biggest Achilles' heel is that the same thing can be said equally for the featured judges. This most recent season saw the addition of QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY'S Carson Kressley, "Mrs. Howard Stern" (I can't even remember her name, so that's what I call her), and of course, the faux-fabulousness of "head judge" Vanessa Minnillo. I rather enjoyed the "let's-rewind-the-car-crash-scene-again" nastiness of the first season, wondering all the while if the concept would catch on, and how in the hell the producers of this frothy summertime slop would pull it off for a second season. I needn't have concerned myself...disguising the competition as the "Face of Vegas" contest was a were quite a few of the contestants this time around. After all, TRUE BEAUTY features GOOD- LOOKING people, not SMART ones. Otherwise, there would be no show.The only thing more endlessly amusing than watching these people "try to be fly" is observing the panel of judges who pronounce over them, and supposedly come up with the "challenges" that will reveal whether or not the players-in-question are equally possessed of the kind of inward attractiveness that matches their gorgeous outsides. In other words: A SOUL. Really? Is it feasible or even fair for already vacuous (there's that word again!) celebrity fame-whores to assess the humanity of those who are - at least to some degree - their peers? Isn't that kind of like chronic alcoholics being given the task to test other drunks for their sobriety?But, back on track here. I wish I could quit reality shows altogether, or at least limit myself to a diet of the somewhat 'classier' varieties, like THE AMAZING RACE. But watching telegenic atrocities like TRUE BEAUTY is just too much damned FUN! Kind of like eating a pound of M&M's in one sitting - except without the guilt, the bloated feeling and the hour spent on the treadmill working them off that follows.The only question I have is this: Is the very existence of this show a way for executive producer Ashton Kutcher to pull the "Ultimate PUNK'D prank" on co-executive producer....TYRA BANKS? Yes, she's behind this mess, too!The mind wonders...and wanders...
Nolé Marin. Vanessa Minnillo. Cheryl Tiegs. One troll, one ditzy hotty and one plastic surgery disaster. And that's on the outside. On the inside, the picture gets worse. All three have varying levels ofPretentiousness -- Superficiality -- Vanity -- Selfishness -- Dishonesty -- Ignorance -- Promiscuity -- Laziness -- Arrogance -- HypocrisyNolé seems the most comfortable with his black soul, while Vanessa tries the hardest to hide hers. Cheryl's so busy trying to stay lucid that I don't think she even understands the extent of her evilness.I love it when they all feign horror when the contestant fails to pick up the litter, when you know, in real life, none of them have touched litter in years- possibly ever. Just talk to any of their assistants. They'll be more than happy to reveal the full extent of their inner ugliness.With the right judges, this show could have been phenomenal. It could have sent a message that you'd find no where else on TV. An original thought. As it's stands, it's just repulsive people passing judgment on other repulsive people. For a show about inner beauty I find it mind boggling that not one single character has the slightest bit of it.And yet... when all it said and done... I can't look away. This is the car wreck that I have to drive by and look at over and over again. Repulsive celebrities and wannabe repulsive celebrities are still a pretty fascinating watch. But, just like you're average sports fan who yells at the TV, you'll find me equally as agitated, screaming things like"Nolé, you are SUCH a slut!" -- "Vanessa, grow a brain!" -- "Cheryl, hellooooo, is anybody in there?!?!"
What's ironic about this show (with its premise being that beauty should be on the inside) is that the host Vanessa is the most obnoxious, spoiled, bratty fake person on the set. Too bad they don't have a hidden camera on her in her real life. She would be booted in the first hour. I can't believe they couldn't find a more appropriate judge than that shallow piece of eye-candy. I think the show has little and I'm a big fan of Cheryl. None of the girls on the show would ever make it as real models. They are simply looking for their 15 minutes of fame. This might be the example of the worst of Hollywood. Beautiful people at their worst.
If you were in a room surrounded by ten beautiful people, you could probably find more than ten reasons to be jealous. However, "True Beauty" is not fixated on whatever jealousies may arise. The competition is truly about the one contestant that is beautiful both on the outside- and the inside.Ten minutes into the premiere episode, I was hooked on how highly these people thought of themselves. A laugh or two escaped me, and at first, it appeared to be a fun show about vanity and over-the-top self-esteems. But then, the light-heartedness flew out the door when the judges announced that all of the contestants would be ranked in the "science" of their beauty.So here we are, in a show seemingly about inner beauty, ranking the physical qualities and proportions of the one thing in life that can never be measured. At first, I thought it was a joke, but the doctor who made the "equasion" for beauty was not only serious, but Vanessa Minnillo called him "a professional" and scorned one of the characters for thinking otherwise.All three of the judges take advantage of the opportunity to demean the 10 contestants, when they all have some serious flaws when it comes to inner beauty themselves. Overall, the show is hypocritical...but well edited and the concept is new to reality television. When everything is balanced out, I'd give it a 7/10.