That was an excellent one.
Memorable, crazy movie
Absolutely brilliant
A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
I couldn't agree with you more Observer 2. There was no television in our home and we had to go watch TV in the window of our neighbor. I must have been about 4 or 5 years old and all I could remember was that theme music the dum-dum-de-dum-dum part. And the lyrics were so vague in my memory until a couple years ago I download the theme song and wow!!! It all came back to me. I remember Harry Rule and the pretty contessa with her long hair and the fast cars and guns and hair raising adventure! I am desperately searching somewhere where I can see an episode! Great show! Does anyone know where I can watch online? I would greatly appreciate a link! Thanks
This series almost works. Almost. But thirty minutes (or, rather, 25 minutes of runtime) just aren't enough. I always thought Robert Vaughn and Nyree Dawn Porter had the beginnings of a strong on-screen chemistry. But it never really happened. And it wasn't just because of the background presence of Gerry Anderson, whose sci-fi series cast with humans (UFO and Space: 1999) often rivaled his puppet populated sci-fi series, such as Fireball XL5, for stiffness and lifeless performances. No, it was mainly a matter that just as soon as Harry and the Contessa began even the mildest of banter the producers had to move the story along to get in all the action scenes and wrap things up at the end of a half hour.Otherwise, the makers of the series seem to be flying by the seat of their pants throughout. And this is not necessarily a bad thing. There are lots of interesting and even novel, for the time, camera shots and action sequences. All in all, not a bad way to spend a half hour. For all its faults, there is more imagination in the shooting of The Protectors than there is in most of the static drama series on TV today.
Don't ask why some things stick in one's head 30 years later, but the opening theme of "The Protectors" went like this:In the avenues and alley-ways Where the soul of man is easy to buy, Everybody's wheelin', everybody's dealin' All the lower living are high.Every city's got 'em, Can we ever stop 'em? Some of us are gonna try...Dum-dumm-DE-Dum-dum..For the cosmic two cents that it's worth.
Victor Field
Gerry Anderson wasn't involved in "The Protectors" from the beginning, which is why it's the most atypical of his shows - it's set in the present (i.e. the early 1970s), it's very firmly rooted in the real world (plots notwithstanding), and while it involves a peace-keeping organisation, the Protectors don't have any uniforms or outlandish vehicles. The trouble is, while all this means it sticks out like a sore thumb amongst his work, it's all very average action stuff.It's a lot easier to fault the writers (including Gerry's soon-to-be-ex-wife Sylvia Anderson with "...With A Little Help From My Friends") than Robert Vaughn and the late Nyree Dawn Porter; if not for them and for a terrific theme song ("Avenues and Alleyways") it wouldn't really be worth watching. Then again, compared to Anderson's subsequent live-action shows - "Space Precinct." Why? - it's a classic.