The Path to 9/11


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6.4| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 10 September 2006 Ended
Producted By: Marc Platt Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Beginning with the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and ending on the morning of 9/11, the draws on detailed information from the 9/11 Commission Report to take viewers on an unforgettable journey through the events that presaged that fateful day -- to understand what went right and wrong, and what can be learned from this crucial eight-year period.



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Marc Platt Productions


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The Path to 9/11 Audience Reviews

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
nortagem Honestly...if you remove all the political banter that surrounded this production & actually viewed the broadcast for what it was, which was a 'dramatization' of events that led up to the 9/11 attacks, then anyone could see that this wasn't a 'bad', 'evil' or 'smear' movie. On the contrary, it provides a very intriguing commentary on how the terrorists pulled this off, how we tie our own hands through bureaucratic inaction & red tape, and can be distracted, while bickering along party lines (which continues to this day). What's dishonest is to deny that the 'path' to these events occurred during both the Clinton and Bush administrations (from 1993 - 2001, which is the time frame for this documentary). Things were overlooked & mistakes were made by all parties...the signs were there, but we dropped our guard. And what is unfounded is why we're still not allowed to further scrutinize this production through a DVD release? Step up Disney/ bold & brave...this is not the era of informative oppression...this is an important piece of work that we should be allowed free & open opportunity to see/buy/discuss, IMHO.
ninjarx In a nutshell, this is the story of how falling asleep at the wheel during the 1990's gave Islamic extremists the opportunity to pull off the attacks of 9/11.It's interesting how quickly we forget about the blunders which were made during the Clinton administration (Somalia, Kosovo, UN Scams, etc) But as long as your stocks were high, and you were gainfully employed...what did you care...right? You can bash President Bush all you want. But what you can't deny is that he was handed the worst situation/event in American history, mostly due to 8 prior years of policy which enabled our enemies pull off an event that most of us could never imagine.I'm sure all the Michael Moore types will post further venom of hate in regards to this post. But in reality...they are as blind as the administration which allowed terrorism to flourish!!
jelly_bean-2 As a veteran of the US Marine corp and severed under several presidents. I would have to say this movie was right on the money. To the US turning its back on the Kurds to President Clinton turning his blind eye to Osama (dont that sound like Obama). Hell Iran had Osama arrested and asked Clinton if he wanted him, Clinton said no. Even though Clinton the one that thought you could only go after these monsters was through the court system had a murder warrant out for Osama, Clinton let him go. This movie can be backed up from DoD and state department records. I am just glad we finally have a president with a back bone like Honorable president Bush and not a wimp liberal like Clinton or Gore to turn a blind eye to the real threat of terrorism.
sallyforth-1 Not only does this movie rewrite history to score political points, but it is plain bad cinema. The camera lurches about non-stop. This technique might be useful if used sparingly, but it is laughable when used indiscriminately. Boos to Harvey Keitel for reading the lines he did. Please don't insult our intelligence, Mr. Keitel, by pretending that you were scrupulous in checking the lines for historical accuracy and put up a good fight for the truth. Disney and ABC ought to be ashamed of this production. They lost money on this attempt to influence the outcome of federal elections in the United States. These same bigwigs turned their noses up at "The Reagans", a finer picture, which is balanced and well-researched, because it came too close to an election and showed the Iran-Contra affair amidst other accurate portrayals of history.