Very disappointing...
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Brendon Jones
It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
The Maxx is a deep psychological introspective lightly camouflaged as a weird-out superhero story. Julie Winters is a "freelance social worker" in an unnamed filthy city, ridden with crime, and she and everyone she knows has a lot of issues to work through. The Maxx is her friend and client, a street bum who thinks he's a costumed superhero - or is it the other way around?The Maxx is not to be missed for the artwork, the story itself, or the excellent voice work - particularly the late Barry Stigler's deliciously urbane, drippingly evil voicing of the main villain, Mr. Gone.If you get the chance to see this, don't miss it.
From beginning to end this series is deep and involving.. every line spoken can be taken in two ways and have two possible meanings just as the city and outback each have their dual constituents.. if you've ever been interested in shamanism, the astral plain, or are even remotely interested in the human psyche then this you'd find interesting. Of all of MTV's former "Oddities" line-up(Aeon Flux, The Head,The Maxx, Liquid Television) this stands alone as unique and one of a kind. there are no similar or rip-off versions of this series. there are only 13 episodes which all come from the comic and are nearly identical in artwork and dialogue. Don't let anyone spoil the final 3 episodes or tell you they don't make sense.. if you understand the premise of the astral plain being the contents of the human mind you will see that this an absolute masterpiece.. though not for everyone as it could be offensive to religious types. I've watched the series from beginning to end in one sitting at least 15 times, and i suggest you do the same.10 out of 10 Da Vinci himself could not improve upon this phenomenal story
I first saw this show in 1995,thinking it was great.It centered around a ecentric character called The Maxx,who dons a purple suit and wears a weired looking mask.He's supposed to be a super hero,trying to stop bad guys,this is shown at the beginning.When a woman is kidnapped on the streets by a couple of sickos,and they try to rape her;he suddenly appears.He then beats them to a pulp,but the cops never see this.They assume he's a trouble maker,and arrest him.They never see the bad guy's bodies,or the poor helpless victim.She is taken away by Mr gone,the psychotic rapist and murderer;never to be seen again.Maxx is introduced to Julie Winters,a social worker;so she can help him.She dosen't belive that he is a hero,or that he's from Australia with bizarre creatures.This a parallel universe, if you should know.She is actually the jungle queen,who rules the creatures with her pet leopard.Things get out of hand when Mr gone unleashes an army of black, shapeshifting Izes,to do his dirty work.*warning,contains spoilers*We are soon mislead,to belive that there is a surprise ending,which sad to say,there isn't.Mr gone is revealed to be Sarahs dad, after discovering his decapitated head.They made it seem like Maxx was going to be revealed as either Julies rabbit, or another creature.This doesn't happen.Julie acts really snobby,about the truth,and doesn't care if the jungle queen dies.Mr gone some how knew them before.This is never explained.The part Sarah finding out that Mr Gone was her dad,was not the shocking we ending we waited for,it had nothing to do with the Maxx and Julie.All in all the show was a let down,making The Maxx seem like an ordinary guy in the end.What about the spirit animals,what importance was this?So many Questions,so few answers.The show had great animation and story line,but a crappy ending.Don't watch, if you hate bad endings.Not for children.Watch the other episodes,ignore the last two.
I tried watching one of MTV's newer....TV shows...if they can even be considered that. MTV had some awesome TV shows, Aeon Flux, Liquid TV, Beavis & Butt-Head, and The Maxx: a dark twisted trip into the psyche of a tortured girl trapped in the body of a woman. It was an original piece of work, and I absolutely loved it. MTV used to be about music and TV shows that were actually tolerable. Shame on you MTV!