Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
I am among the group who recall this series. I enjoyed it whenever I could watch it, and one particular episode stands out in my memory.This one involved three men wearing a type of space suit in the California Desert ? anyway, they were walking from one point to another point as the test required, and something went wrong ( ? ) not sure what, and If I recall, they had some sort of gun like weapon(? ) to test as well. Anyway, I remember there were cars along the highway and telephone poles. and I am quite sure it wasn't a Twilght Zone episode..wish i could recall more, but I am amazed I remember this much..Dave Durham Tacoma WA.
Mark Sprowl
At the age of eight, this was one of my favorite shows. I liked that the protagonist had to demonstrate ingenuity in a variety of, sometimes unexpected. circumstances. A memorable scene for me is when he took an elevator only to have the apparatus fail and the elevator plunge precipitously downward. Not to worry... our man jumped up and grabbed the light fixture on the ceiling of the elevator car and lifted himself up. When the elevator hit bottom he was able to absorb some of the impact by holding himself close to the ceiling. There's been many a time I've looked around an elevator to see what "I" could hold onto in the event of a similar calamity!
I, too, watched this series as a pre-teen and loved it. What new jet would George Nader fly, what new car would he test - one week he learned "body surfing" from notes left by a researcher who had died in the attempt - thus proving the concept and reinstating the reputation of the dead man. I guess they hired Nader for the way he looked in a T-shirt - biceps and pecs galore. It certainly wasn't for his acting skills. Various biographers place him as one of Rock Hudson's early Hollywood boy friends. If he'd stayed with it, like Hudson, maybe he would've improved on his acting.
My precocious cousin and I were avid watchers of this Friday (?) night show. The space programme was in its enthusiastic first blush, and was undoubtedly the inspiration for the series. I believe that my cousin turned to a lot of physical self-punishment under the inspiration of THE MAN AND THE CHALLENGE (younger and reckless at 12) to show that he too could "take it." It was from the series that I learned the term "human factors research." I was going to be a scientist, then.Thinking back, however, I can see why the show was so short-lived. Some of the adventures were definitely contrived -- working from 40 years' memory -- and there were not enough interesting principals, even the hero. One could not delve TOO much into the science, and at bottom it had little mass appeal.