This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Fatma Suarez
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
"I mean, come on.. an astronaut attempting suicide because of unrequited love of other astronaut who she slept with in 90210 fashion. Give us a break, this would never happen in the space program and this is an insult to the real NASA employees and Air Force Men and women who do there jobs with the Space program with professionalism and great respect." In light of recent events in the astronaut corps this 7 year old comment is something the author may wish to take back...Yes, the show could be unrealistic (well totally unrealistic at times) but it was a fun show to watch regardless. I would love to have it available on DVD at some point.
The show was a pretty good attempt at a hard subject. There's no way you can reconstruct everything a Astronaut does, or does not do. Not bad for a show from 1996 though. Special effects didn't kick in strong until a couple of years later for television. Over all, The Cape was a great show, but was never really given a chance on network television, at a decent time. As for the other comment, something is not right and I need to clarify. The show started airing in 1996 and the Columbia disaster was on Feb 1st. 2003. So, how can it have any bearing on this show. Do your research before you leave comments. Helps you not look stupid. By the way, NASA did have "some" bearing on the show, the Technical Adviser was Buzz Aldrin. If you don't know who that was, he was the second man on the Moon. Anyway, I can't wait until it comes out on DVD.
That negative Titusville comment was so ridiculous it should never been printed. -- There was more truth in those behind-the-scene episodes than he/she could imagine. It was purposely kept low-key, with most shoots off-base to MINIMIZE any impact on Launch Processing.The only show we've seen come down the cinematic pike that did not overly romanticize the all-so-human aspects of our "Ascans" and Flight folks.It was one HELLUVA good show and the effort to bring it back keeps on growing..
I think that THE CAPE is a brilliant TV series. It stars Corbin Bernsen and Adam Baldwin and follows the lives of 7 ASCANS (Astronaut Candidates) and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA. The actors are brilliant and the storyline is excellent.The show is also one of the most realistic there is. Many people at NASA and Buzz Aldrin (the astronaut) were technical consultants and helped make this one of the best shows ever.Unfortunately THE CAPE is not being made any more because it was put on at 3am so nobody could watch it. Even so there is a group of people (including myself) that liked THE CAPE when it was on TV and are trying to get another series made. I recommend The Cape to everybody. 100%.