This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fatma Suarez
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Overall, this is a great show the only negative thing I have to say about it is the affects of the situation on one of the main characters, Bay, when everybody finds out about "the switch" it seems that everybody but her benefits in some way. The Kennishs make an effort to get to know Daphne, which results in them giving Bay, and her feelings less consideration. And if that wasn't bad enough, Regina barely tries to get to know Bay at all, she, also, focuses more on Daphne. On Bay and Daphne's birthday, Regina doesn't even get Bay a birthday present, even though not only did the Kennishs get Daphne a car, but Bay was the only person who was willing to let Regina come to the party, if it weren't for Bay, she wouldn't have been welcome at the party at all.
there are not a lot of family shows that we enjoy watching, but Switched at Birth was one of those shows we looked forward to watching. We can't believe its over. How does Carlton do? There was so much more they could have accomplished in this series. Sad to see it go away. We love it, would love to see it come back.
I recently started watching and I am really enjoying it, but I'm from Kansas City so I notice all the things that aren't accurate, like the name of the newspaper, the schools, "east Riverside" and it's WORLDS OF FUN, not WORLD OF FUN. It's just not that hard to research these things before a show airs.
Though I am a teenager, rarely do I ever watch ABC Family's or "Freeforms" cheesy, teenage romance, drama. Trying to figure out what was so great about Pretty Little Liars or The Secret Life of an American Teenager, I disregarded the show for quite a while. I didn't really find anything wholesome about either show and found them to both be completely annoying. I couldn't even get past the first episode of Pretty Little Liars. I gave The Secret Life of an American Teenager some time but still couldn't find out what was so great about the show. A friend recommended the show to me. But, she also was the main person who pushed me to watch PLL's and TSLOAT, so, of course, I was a little skeptical. I was even more skeptical when I'd found out that the show was on ABC family. I watched the first episode of Switched At Birth and immediately fell in love. Every episode is of course filled with family drama, but they all overcome it in the end. The show proves that two people from completely different backgrounds and families can come together as one. The show is amazingly and beautifully written. One of the stars of the show is deaf, which definitely adds a different twist to the show and it's not just her there are plenty of deaf people who star on the show. The show has taught me much as a person. I've even taken up learning sign language and can confidently say that I know the full alphabet. I've also fallen in love with art, just like Bay loves her art in the show. The show is completely wholesome and has a wonderful message in each episode. I would definitely recommend this show to teenagers who love a little drama but want something different and wholesome.