Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Haven Kaycee
It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
the original 1950's 'MMC' is one of my favorite nostalgia pieces. not only did it epitomize a lot of what Disney was in the 50's, it epitomized 50's television in general.i can't honestly say that there is anything remarkable about the 'Spin and Marty' serial on 'MMC', aside from it's phenomenal success at the time, but it is entertaining and probably a little better made and produced than a lot of serious critics would like to think. not that it's the BBC or PBS or anything, but it was better than a lot of those homey, cozy sitcoms like a 'Father Knows Best' or 'Leave it to Beaver'. it's not that those shows weren't also quintessential 50's television history, it's just that i only like nostalgia when it's good.are Spin and Marty boy's adventures any good? well, apart from the scary, creepy cow hand with the bush wacked eyebrows, yeah i guess. the show actually manages to portray kids, especially boys, with a certain amount of realism. we've seen it all before in young boys. the rivalry, the out of control teasing and hazing, and even the overly sensitive ones defensively hiding their child like emotions. i'd have to say from what i know about boys and having been a young boy at one time, that a lot of this is convincing enough. certainly more believable than the characterizations in the 'Annette' serial and more believable in this opening season than the boys adventures became in later seasons.actually i was kind of surprised when i viewed this, at how a lot of this first season avoided clichés and contrivances.'Spin and Marty' is real retro television fun, and should be of real interest to any serious Disney buff. i enjoyed it and thought it was cute. except for the creepy dude with the bushy uni-brow. he was kind of disturbing.
With only the fondest of memories do I recall the days of The Mickey Mouse Club. It was a quieter, gentler time which I dearly miss. And what better way to celebrate such a time than with the youthful innocence and vigor of young boys at a summer camp known as The Triple R. Before the DVD's came out I could only vaguely remember bits and pieces of this series. However, now that the DVD's came out last year I have once again been enraptured by the memories of such a wonderful time in my life.In this modern, fast paced, tech-no life that has been thrust upon us all, it's comforting to know that the "Good Old Days" of youth and innocence have not been forgotten, thanks to The Spin and Marty DVD's.I have more than 1,200 movies, television series, documentaries, etc. in my personal collection and Spin and Marty is on my top shelf because it is a Top Rated series. I only hope that they release the other two series that came about because of spin and Marty; The Further Adventures of Spin and Marty, and, The New Adventures of Spin and Marty. If and when they do, I will be amongst the first in line to buy them.One of my favorite characters was "Al" played by Brand Stirling. Does anyone know what became of him or where he is nowadays? It was because of him and other characters that I learned how to ride a horse and to break them and teach them their gaits. Thanks guys! Thanks for the memories and let me know if the other two series come out. "Way out there at the Triple R...Yippie ya, yippee yo!"
I was delighted to find long last...that Disney has put out the first season of Spin & Marty on DVD ! What a treat to see this again after so many years.I was a kid when it first aired on the Mickey Mouse Club and I have seen a few reruns over the years, but I enjoyed seeing all the episodes in one long viewing. Leonard Maltin does an introduction to the series. Then we get to see each episode in glorious black and white...each one proceeded by the Mickey Mouse Club logo. Each installment runs about 10 minutes and the total running time is just over 4 hours. There are some nice extras too. We get to see Tim Considine and David Stollery visit the ranch where they filmed the show. Now I'm hoping they bring out the old Hardy Boys on DVD.
I grew up on "The Mickey Mouse Club" repeats as a child, yet I have absolutely no recollection of watching this corny, but entertaining "serial" that played within them, and have only now "discvered" it through watching reruns again.Listed as a "western,"which is a genre I don't usually like, this is actually a sort of charming little show about two friends who meet at a western-themed summer camp named, surprise surprise, Spin Evans(who would name their child SPIN?!), a fun-loving country boy and Marty Markham, a spoiled rich kid who takes his butler to camp with him and demands of everybody. At first Spin and Marty are enemies(very entertaining), but slowly their hatred dwindles and soon they are the best of pals, getting into lots of adventures at their camp with Mr. Perkins(Marty's butler), the camp counselor and their other friends Ambitious(ugh), Moochie(Kevin Corcoron, of just about every Disney project at the time) and gettting some girl friends like Annette and Darlene(the Mousketeers, who act...just like they do in the Mickey Mouse club.) The plots are usually simple(Moochie gets lost in the desert, Spin and Marty enter horse races, etc), but it is in a nice and relaxing way, and the acting, by Tim Considine(later to go onto "My Three Sons") and David Stollery is actually pretty good, considering. It's one of those dated little shows that would never sell with the wild, Pokemon obsessed kids of today, but it's kind of fun to watch and look back upon the olden days, when all entertainment was that simple and relaxed and "feel good." This is certainly a fun and feel good show alright. Swell.