Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
The acting in this movie is really good.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
I must agree with the first part of the last reviewer's comments, regarding the budget and props of the show. However, I believe that the reviewer missed the point entirely regarding sending the kid's on missions; this was a kid's show, directed at a younger audience, and the hero's of the show were other kids. The audience could imagine themselves having those adventures and saving the day. What would the point be if adults gave the orders and were the ones who set things right? Realistically speaking, it never made sense on Star Trek that the captain and first officer went on the landing parties/away teams, but they were the lead actors. That does not happen in our modern military. Space Academy was a TV show.
I liked the show! It was fun with excitement in the scripts. For the longest time, I thought Meeno Peluce played Loki. It was one of those post Star Wars tv shows that was thrown together to address the Star Wars craze. Don't try and over analyze a show. The effects weren't great, but in retrospect, neither were Star Trek's but people are still fans. I remember this one episode that Loki stole a ship as a childish prank. I liked how Loki was disciplined. I remember another episode with a living asteroid. The telepathy of the twins was the first time I had been introduced to the concept of telepathy. They weren't goody goody. I loved Jason of Star Command. It was a fun serial for kids.
The Space Academy idea is not new to sci-fi and so many independent writers have developed their own "academy" or shared with a previously developed idea and created parallel stories. I find that this series was underdeveloped in character and plot. Boy, would I like to either see more of the same idea (parameters of what a Space Academy "should be")or resurrect this one. The old cast members could be instructors with a new Blue Team...since young and charismatic continues to be the theme of current producers. This series was important to me. Not as a Jr. Star Trek but as a never tried before live action sci-fi series-with child actors. It allowed viewers (like children)to get a taste of sci-fi (and the possible future-I like Ark II for the same reason)that readers have been experiencing for years. As an impressionable young adult at the time, this type of series cemented my love not only for tv but for reading at a time I thought that I did not want to put much time into opening a book. It gave me the world and outer space,too. Can't beat that!
If there was one show I wish I could see again, it's this one. This one, and maybe the time that dog took a crap in our back yard while hopping on one leg.Synopsis: A group of high school kids run missions to save stalled freighters, starving aliens or to get groceries. All the while learning about readin', 'ritin, 'rithmatic, love, friendship, and why it's not a good idea to go in a dark cave on a distant planet without a sidearm.The Space Academy shuttles were shaped like the Pink Pearl erasers we were issued at my school each September. I would usually spend my mornings flying the eraser between desks, landing on strange and exotic textbooks, and confronting hostile alien pencils.The great Pam Ferdyn starred in this show, and seemingly everything else in those days (It seemed like Ike Eisenmann was in everything too). Unfortunately, the best actor on the show, 'Peepo' failed to find work after Space Academy. Whatever happened to 'Peepo?' Or, as I liked to call him, 'Peepoo.'