Wonderful character development!
Surprisingly incoherent and boring
I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Bumpy Chip
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Where do I begin? .....Since when do guys refer to themselves -out loud, on a regular basis, "A real Southern Gentleman does this, or does that..." --really--??? Actions honey, -not words. Anyone who has to describe some "thing" or someone as "class" or "classless" really needs to reevaluate. Class is something that should be seen, not heard. "In the South we do things like ___" or "In the South we we put in our best face, etc..." -I hate to break it to y'all, but people are people no matter where you go, so please spare us your "In the South" education. How many of the cast members are actually from the south anyways? A good amount of people who have grown up in the south would most likely agree, that with friends like these, who needs enemies? Granted, it's a tv show, produced by cast member, Whitney. I find myself intrigued by the awful nature of the show, but shame on me, I still watch. Unfortunately, Whitney is about the only cast member that comes across authentic, if that's even a thing in this manufactured friendship circle. Cameran, has a bad case of the green eyed monster, and probably needs to worry more about herself, and less about everyone else... Thomas reminds me of Butthead, and Cameron, -Beavis. And Craig? -well, I just don't see how he made it onto the show (> trying too hard..?)Maybe they should do a spin-off called, Northeast Wasps? Even then, I think that's a stretch...
For now, I'll pour me a bourbon ale, and binge-watch some more seasons. Dittums, my medicine, please.
Take away the melodrama.. and you actually get a somewhat realistic view of what its like to be single (or not married) in Charleston.... Maybe more accurately what its like to live in Charleston in the Summer... Excluding the 50 something popping out kids with a girl in her early 20s.Although there is certainly more drama than one would typically have in daily life, much of the drama actually seems fairly authentic- even if over the top.Its a Bravo show, so I guess it has to be graded on a curve... But it seems to have a pretty high production value all things considered (actually I've never watched another Bravo series- but I have a general impression of what the housewives series are probably like). Most of the cast members are pretty normal for Charleston (with a few Whitney's mom, who is at least entertaining), which highlights that if you were to edit and produce a show of most people's could make it seem more dramatic and exciting than reality).Overall, Much better than I would've guessed.One bone to pick- the theme song is misplaced... this takes place in Charleston/ Not New Orleans (which is very different).
Love, love, love, this show, just like the other reviewer! Even my boyfriend loves it. It was so refreshing to see a reality show produced and put out that was actually was worth watching. This show was actually entertaining, not just a bunch of housewives/women bickering back and forth. I fell in love with the characters and anyone that gives this series a chance will too. The cast was GREAT, the show had class...thank god BRAVO gave it a Season 2!!!! We have been waiting for this:)Can't wait too watch...
Jennifer Y Doty
I'm ashamed to say that I'm absolutely obsessed with 'Southern Charm' and the charming cast :) Please God let there be a second season. I was drawn in immediately by the likable cast, the humor, and the story line and dynamics of the show. The final show of the season is in 3 days and I don't know how I'm supposed to go on, lol! I absolutely love Cameran's personality, I find Shep very likable and hilarious with his disdain for manual labor. I think Dani is awesome and I like her "friendship" with Shep. I love watching Whitney and his mother's relationship play out. They are hilarious! I also can't wait to see what happens with T Rav and Katherine!Come on Bravo!! Please give us a second season!! You've dangled this world in front of us, don't take it away now, haha!!