Just perfect...
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Griff Lees
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Francene Odetta
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Francisco Sousa Faria da Silva
Great show with adventure and swashbuckling stories in the style of Zorro."Queen of Swords" is a show for all ages and I think it captures the old swashbuckler style of the great old adventure movies and TV series such as Walt Disney's "Zorro". In a matter of fact, in my opinion, this show is an unofficial extension of the 1998 movie "The Mask of Zorro".All the actors are great. Tessie Santiago is fantastic as both Tessa and The Queen. The stories are wonderful with a lot of surprises, good humour and adventure! This show aired in Portugal in 2001. I was 14 then and loved it. I still love it now.
First off, I just want to make it known that I adored this show! I don't even remember my first time watching it. All I remember is seeing an ad for it, then months passing without seeing a full-length show, then channel surfing to find a masked woman in black sword-fighting soldiers. That got my attention and held it for the rest of the series. Sure, it's basically Zorro only with a lead female instead of a male, but it was (and still is) a joy to watch! The scripts were original and clever, the costumes were beautiful, and the landscape was just stunning! The fights were also done well, as were the shots of the actors on horseback (I'm a horse-lover, so I noticed this).The big problem with it was the dialogue between characters. Some of it was clichéd, other times absurd. But then most of the time, it was it was decent. Sometimes I knew the next lines before the actors themselves said them. Despite that, the show was engaging and the characters were likable, even the villains: you just loved to hate them and see their plans get foiled. Tessie Santiago and Peter Wingfield had such great chemistry together that I wish the series could have gone on just to see what would come of their relationship (especially since I have a somewhat unhealthy crush on Wingfield).This show was robbed by being cancelled after only one season, and I'm just glad that I managed to record most of the episodes before it stopped airing frequently on SiTV. I will always love this show! !Viva la Reina!
Did someone know if the queen of swords series will be available on DVD? If someone have a clue, email me at
[email protected] I like the way of Zorro being a women, she's though, sexy and powerful. I'd like to add this series to my DVD collection if it exist so i need your help peoples, everybody that can tell me this i will appreciate it a lot. So i beg the all of you , see if you can find any clue on this series to see if it's coming out on DVD. I don't know if someone will have the answer but try hard please cause i want this series so bad that i can making love with the one who tell me the tip if he want. tanks.
Queen Of Swords fan
Queen Of Swords was an excellent syndicated TV series that was basically the adventures of a female Zorro, but was unique on its own. Sadly, this show only lasted one season (2000-2001) and was caught in the battle of syndication ratings from other shows like Sheena, Xena: Warrior Princess, Beastmaster, Relic Hunter, Andromeda, etc. Not garnering enough viewers, the show was cancelled by its producer, Fireworks Entertainment.
This show had excellent writing, great action/stunts, wonderful 19th-century costume designs, and a remarkable cast of talented stars, along with some well established actors & actresses making guest starring roles during its run. The series was filmed entirely on location in Almeria, Spain. This, of course, made for excellent scenery.
The big surprise was the show's main lead herself, Tessie Santiago, who played Tessa Alvarado/Queen Of Swords. This was her first professional acting work, and she really showed that she is a talented (and beautiful) actress, and that she can carry a series. I hope that she has a successful acting career in the many years to come.