This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Kaelan Mccaffrey
Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
i know some people may not like it but for me its the best! well sci fiction comedy is rare these days but if u love astronomy i mean space and nerdy things then its your jam.its stupid and funny in its own way. it has that perfect balance of comedy sense and stupidity.i'm eagerly waiting for a season 2.
GIGO.Garbage In. Garbage Out. You start with a dopey, tired, trite, worn out premise of a story. Then you try and build a series of screenplays around this garbage. You hang on these plays an endless series of silly, predicable scenes and situations. Add in moronic cheesier dialog and then--then you get Yahoo to write the checks.Bam! Ya got a series! This classless mess has an over all feel of cheap community theater. Not good community theater. The kind that had almost no budget. The cast is uninspired. I felt as if they were hired for a willingness to show up as long as they got paid.It's almost like watching a set up of one SNL skit after another only loosely connected. Frankly, to call this entertainment from a major company is an insult.
Is this cheesy mess supposed to be some kind of parody? I don't get it. Yahoo should stop trying to make TV shows and go back to doing the only three things it does well... Fantasy sports leagues, writing interesting headlines to non-stories to make you click on them so they can sell more ads for stuff you don't want, and locking up your browser. I guess I need 10 lines to post a review, so I'm going to spend the next couple lines of words trying to achieve this. I once saw a dog with three balls steal a half a loaf of bread from a homeless man who was begging for cheese and some mustard on the corner of 34th Ave and 1st Street.
Overall, I'd have to say I enjoyed this. It's definitely not a serious show at all. There are a few editing mistakes where plot from one episode doesn't seem to carry over to others, but I went into it not expecting much and I got hooked. I watched it all within a week. It's light, has some good comedic moments. There are quite a few twists and turns in many of the episodes. I wouldn't say I had a lot of laugh out loud moments throughout, but there were a few. Many of the amusing situations made me smile a bit though. Lots of negative reviews, but I think they are wrong. The captain, Karan Soni, plays a somewhat incompetent, yet competent leader of the ship and his sister, plays a jealous, uptight and serious second in command. There is a robot on the ship (ART) a la mystery science theater 3000 (which I loved) and many of the comedic moments come through the robot. It's obviously outlandish but I think if you like Mystery Science Theater 3000, space shows, and can suspend belief for the sake of amusement, you will probably like this show.