Oh, Doctor Beeching!


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7.1| NR| en| More Info
Released: 14 August 1995 Ended
Producted By: BBC
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Oh, Doctor Beeching! is a British television sitcom



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Oh, Doctor Beeching! Audience Reviews

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Paul Evans Oh Doctor Beeching ranks as one of my favourite comedies of all time, a wonderfully sweet and innocent, humour of a bygone era. Delightful characters each and every one, all bringing plenty of laughs, with exquisite comedy timing. I'm an adoring fan of Su Pollard, and she is wonderfully funny and scatty as Ethel, and yet she manages to tinge her with sadness. It's very evident that many members of the cast had worked together on previous occasions, the relationships are genuine and very easy. Barbara New's timing as Vera was fantastic, she delivered her lines with so much humour, that line 'My late husband was an engine driver you know.' The show is timeless, it deserved a much greater run then it had, Sunday evenings were a perfect slot for a comedy like this, surely there is still a place for this brand of light and breezy slapstick humour? A show I will always love.
docterryc This is a fine example of fine British humour. Every character is clearly defined, and each one adds something to the whole.I suspect that many Americans would not enjoy it. They seem to prefer more slapstick comedy, whereas this sitcom is funny because the characters work off one another.Indeed, British humour has changed so much recently, that I'm sure many younger viewers would find it difficult to relate to the subtle humour of this story.However, if you do like this series, then you must check out "You Rang M'Lord" It's a totally different story, but many of the same actors.
stewednose This was yet another gem from the writing and performing team behind "Hi-de-Hi" and "You rang M'Lord?". It was on on a Sunday night at 6.30 and it was absolutely fantastic. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Jeffrey Holland. He is a very sexy man and an incredible actor. Seeing him play a miserable man after watching him as funny man Spike Dixon is a delight. Paul Shane is a bit hit and miss. I have never rated him as an actor, but I like his delivery of funny lines. He is a comedian, not an actor. Su Pollard is a delight as always, she is a very funny actress and her eye rolls are brilliant. Stephen Lewis is good but not used as much as I would like. He has made a career from playing the same character in nearly every show he is in. Pay special attention to the actor who plays Wilfred, he is so funny, even when he doesn't have a line. It's a shame that this series wasn't given as much backing as other shows on the Beeb. It is fascinating watching the characters deal with the possibility of losing their station. This is a series that should have been allowed to mature, it is a gentle comedy, not having to rely on horrible characters (apart from the obvious- "Doctor Beeching")or bad language It was set during the 1960's and the characters were waiting for Doctor Beeching to decide whether or not he was closing down the railways. Sometimes the acting was a bit hit-or-miss, or the jokes were b it vague, but n the whole it was a fantastic show. It's only a shame it isn't repeated as much as Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em or Only Fools and Horses. In life today we need a gentle comedy like this to remind us that we can ave a laugh and enjoy ourselves. I'm only glad that both series have been released to buy, I have just rushed out and bought them. Come on, everyone knows the theme tune, sung by the cast: "Oh Doctor Beeching, What have you done? There were once lots of trains to catch, But soon there will be none. I'll have to buy a bike Cuz I can't afford a car, Oh Doctor Beeching, What a naughty man you are!" Come On BBC, give us more, PLEASE!!!!
goldfinger2a-2 Thats Yorkshire for right good, and it was, l have all the episodes on tape and l watch them over and over again, given more time this would have been a classic sit com, as it is it`s a really good one.Holland, Shane, & Pollard try and suceed, as does the rest of the cast, l love the way May in the Buffet always said how nice Mr Parkin was-l would think!..it was funny...pity if finished...but l enjoy the episodes that were made... 8/10