Memorable, crazy movie
A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
The first of Ray Milland's two television series was this situation comedy The Ray Milland Show. Milland played a college professor who was at an institute of higher learning that didn't look too much different from the schools that Kurt Russell went to when he was a Disney star. Phyllis Avery was Milland's wife and the show lasted from 1953 to 1955. The comedy came from Milland and wife interacting among the students, other faculty, and faculty wives.Milland like so many other of Hollywood's leading men was getting less and less work in Hollywood as the studios unloaded their contract players. He tried television as so many did, some flopped on it, others like Lucille Ball had their careers made by it. Milland fell somewhere in between.The Ray Milland Show didn't set the small screen on fire. It was pleasant enough, but not like anything about it truly stood out. In fact in the midst of its television run, Ray Milland did on the big screen one of his most remembered parts, Dial M For Murder. Ironic isn't it.
Ray Milland, along with Robert Cummings, was one of the first big screen stars to take a chance on a television comedy series, Cummings with the wonderful 'My Hero' series, and Milland with "Meet Mr. McNutly', or as it came to be known 'The Ray Milland Show', both were successful enough to convince other movie stars to later do the same! Because of decent scripts, and a wonderful cast, and of course Mr. Milland's wonderful gift for light comedy, this was one funny show, and it's a crying shame that if the episodes still exist in good condition, that it hasn't been released on DVD, I've seen a handful of episodes in less than perfect quality, but they have all been very funny, and left me craving for more! These early television gems are far too historic and just plain good, to be left to rot!