Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Casey Duggan
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Ella-May O'Brien
Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
This series (or rather series of series perhaps) started out so strongly in season 1. We were intrigued. The actors and acting were strong. The storyline different enough to be worth watching and wondering what direction they were taking. The four episodes of the short season were just about right. I'd give season 1 maybe an 8 out of 10.Season 2. Still good though it did seem to wander a bit. A new storyline set somewhere else in Spain with a couple of new characters to add to the mix that made it interesting in its own way. Not as good as season 1. Not as satisfying. A few scenes included that we wondered what the point was. But still watchable. Down to 7 out of 10.Season 3. What on earth is going on? It just seemed to wander aimlessly from scene to scene and episode to episode. At times, it seemed to be liking a Sartre play it was so odd. Scenes seemed to be added just to make up time and fill in an episode. Characters introduced with their own stories only to never be head of again. The final episode had a 10 minute drug induced sequence towards the end that was just bizarre. It was all quite painful in the end. 5 out of 10 would be generous.Season 4. Well, we didn't watch the two episodes that made up season 4. I took a look at the IMDb reviews and noted that the final episode was scored 5.3 by other viewers. That said it all for me. We chose not to endure any more pain. Thank goodness the writers realized that enough is enough and no more will be made.I hope that helps other viewers. Season 1 definitely worth watching. Season 2 if you are huge fans of the actors. But leave it at that or you'll be left with bad memories of the whole series.
Tickle Fairy
I watched the first season because it was so highly rated, but what a disappointment. If this is what it takes to please the British they should check out some Aussie or North American shows. This show was filled with over acting, unrealistic events, and has a pointless plot. I gave this show the benefit of the doubt but what a waste of time. The actors are clearly failures in life. It reminds me of those movies that failed actors make when they band together. Awful waste of space and time, do not watch this show and never believe anyone who says that they liked this show. All good reviews posted here are from the cast and producers.
Traline Spencer
It would be nice if they turned this into a full TV series because each episode leaves you wanting more. I wish American TV would start making shows of this caliber. Instead they give us the same boring dribble over and over again. US television will take a successful series and clone it 4 or 5 times and the only thing they change is the city in which it takes place (ex. CSI, CSI Miami, CSI NY, CSI Los Vegas, Law & Order, Law & Order SVU, Law & Order LA, Law & Order Criminal Intent, etc etc.). UK TV actually respects their audience enough to give them characters with depth, writing that embraces new ideas, and a genuine attempt to engage and capture the viewers attention with intelligent stories and unpredictable plot twists. They seem to understand that you don't need big explosions, car chase scenes, and unrealistic gun battles to have a successful show or movie. When the story is well written and you cast great actors that know what they're doing, all of that big budget fluff stuff isn't necessary. I have only seen the the first 3 episodes so far, and I can't wait to watch the last installment.Bottom line, this mini-series get's two thumbs up from me. If you're not pulled into this show after the first episode, then something is wrong with you. I'm so glad I ignored the 1st guys review that was posted on this page. He said it was boring, nothing happens, and it was a waste of time. ***PLEASE DON'T LET THAT 1 REVIEW DISCOURAGE YOU FROM WATCHING THIS SERIES***!!! You'll thank me later... trust me.
Jay Roberts (MiturBinesderti)
Mad Dogs commits the cardinal sin of not getting to the point. It starts immediately with the promise that something interesting is going to happen but it never does.The way I if I'm going to buy a book is by reading the first paragraph. If it's interesting I know the author at least has a clue about what they want to say and respects the reader enough to try to engage them in the story.With this show I fast forwarded and fast forwarded but nothing ever happens.Men are not like women. We do not care about "relationships" and "drama" we don't care about conversations where people ramble on and on without saying anything interesting. We want to be entertained by a good story. That's it. There's no magic. No nonsense. Just give us some story.This show lacks any thing you might consider to be a plot or even anything you might consider to be even remotely interesting. It's like a machine regurgitated some words and some fairly talented actors spoke those words.Oh, and then something happens. At the end. After you're too bored to care. I know I won't be watching the second episode because they couldn't be bothered to interest me in the first one.