Wonderful character development!
Thanks for the memories!
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
After reading all the reviews, I think you have to be from a small town to appreciate this show which is all about a small town. I'm from a town of 4000. Everything about this show rings true to me. Everyone knows everything about everyone. And they talk about it, and you, regularly. With or without you being present.I really like that this show has the small minded people of a small town learning from each other and always falling back on the fact that they are neighbors. They've known each other all their lives. It does, and it should, mitigate all ill will and hurt feelings. No better example than Fred Tupper, played by Neil Crone, who is the local right wing xenophobic loud mouth. Live and let live was what I grew up on in my small town. And it's what you get with this series.I tuned out in season 4, however, with the departure of the flawed but kind Rev. Magee and the introduction of Rev. Thorne. The writing for Magee and Thorne were polar opposite and the writing for this new character ruined the show for me. He's mean, vindictive, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and all this from a man of the cloth. Too much for a comedy. Too bad the writers ruined a good thing.
Sally Hodders
Little Mosque on the Prairie is completely terrible. The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen in my life. The writing is so terrible it is almost as if someone is intentionally writing a bad show as a joke or maybe a parody of a bad show. The show is just stupid with predictable stories and even more predictable jokes that you know even before the characters say them. I hate this show so much it is baffling even to myself. The acting is what irks me the most because every single one of these characters is just putrid. I don't know how or why this show got put on TV but if there is any justice it will not be back again!
John Trillo
This show is just awful! The jokes are all pathetic and predictable it's as if this show was written by some kid in grade two who had a "101 Muslim jokes" joke book. And he/she just keeps re-using the exact same jokes again and again and again. The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen on TV. How do terrible shows like this keep getting made and put on TV and why is it so bad in Canada? Why do we keep having our tax dollars used to make shows like this where I don't know one person at all who even watches it? I hope that somebody just stops making Canadian TV at all if this is the crap they are going to keep making and spending our money on.
Little Mosque on the Prairie was so over-hyped by CBC that I am actually angry. All those advertisements probably cost a whole lot of money, mostly the tax dollars that CBC is given to stay on the air obviously, plus the tax dollars that were wasted just making this show.... it makes me seriously angry.And the hype was a terrible idea. Sure a lot of people watched the premiere, and it hitched onto the whole "Corner Gas" phenomena which was huge at the time (before Corner Gas became a bad show itself) by setting itself in Saskatchewan, but as soon as anyone saw it they realised how awful it was. People were actually worried it would be too offencive! The show is somewhere on the level of offensiveness scale between peanut butter and a glass of water. If you are offended by this show I hope it is the atrocious attempts at comedy that are offending you. The writing is so predictable and so elementary that it makes me vomit in my mouth just thinking about it. These people actually get paid to write this garbage! The acting is the show's real undoing though. Not a single one of these characters can deliver their lines in at all a believable way. It's hard to tell if it is the writing or the horrible acting that ruins every possibility for a joke/laugh in this show. The two main characters, Amaar and Rayyan, couldn't act their way out of a dollar store paper bag. They are seriously two of the worst actors I have ever seen on a TV show, and they are the main cast members for some reason! What is CBC thinking?