Why so much hype?
A Major Disappointment
It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Probably the best docu I ever watched, mesmerizing. I watch it like it's my therapy. Also I need to say, Jesse is the younger version of Andy! Remember Andy said he lived the first 15 years by himself? Watching Jesse is literally like watching the early years of Andy! The dog houses the fish rack the fish wheel, what a wonder of circle of life!
I love the premise of this show and was really looking forward to it when I found it on Netflix. I've been binge-watching it and thoroughly enjoyed the first season. Erik, Sue, the Hailstone family, Glenn, Cody, and Kate are all amazing people. Andy is a royal jerk and the show would have been better off without him.The editing is horrific. Jerky cuts, silly on-the-handle-of-the-axe shots, re-using footage from completely different situations, etc, but I was able to look past that. What did me in was the false creation of drama. Life in the Arctic is tough and dramatic enough without cooking up utterly ridiculous situations.SPOILER: the scene that killed it for me was when Sue, a savvy woman who had survived, alone, for many years fell and hurt her back. Yes, boiling willow can help, but I refuse to believe that someone so experienced and self-sufficient, who spends thousands of dollars stocking up on all of her supplies to see her through Arctic winters, does not have a single bottle of aspirin or some such on the premises. Ridiculous, unbelievable, and I'm done. Such a shame.
I am not a hunter and live in suburbia like most of us. This show allows me a glimpse into the lives of people that have chosen a different life and I enjoy this a lot. I am disappointed by some of the other reviews that (mostly) incorrectly portray information as factual this more opinion based. The use of profanity, I think, is understandable when failure of equipment or to complete a task has potentially catastrophic side-effects. It's very different for us if the vacuum cleaner stops working. Much more of an inconvenience - no real harm done.If you enjoy looking at wonderful arctic/sub-arctic scenery, are open to the choices and transitions of others and can put up with the repetitive editing style, then this is a show you should thoroughly enjoy.
I agree with the person who earlier wrote about the editing of the show. It would be better if they didn't recap every time they cut back to a camp or a family. The fact that this is a reality show should be enough. Some of the editing of the hunting sequences where they don't even try to make it look more real ie they show Sue with an AR hunting and then the next scene she has a bolt action rifle or a shotgun same thing with the other families. If they would try a little harder it would allow us to have more footage, which we know they have, of the people's lives and less of recaps and silly mistakes made by the editors like the type of trap they're setting one time is a Conibear the next scene in the same set it's a jaw trap come on folks.This show is so very interesting and informative. The Halestones are such a refreshing sight to see ,a Mother and Father teaching skills passed down over the years to their kids at the same time dealing with the reality of the modern electronic age. Sue is so great dealing with her fears and set backs and always moving forward. Eric I have no problem with. He is just earning a living while helping with the conservation of the land by harvesting fur legally in such a manner as to control populations of fur bearing critters. the show Would be a 10 if not for the producers and Editors mucking it up at times. Oh and 1 more thing,Chandler being naked every time possible is so funny.God bless the cast and the crews shooting them.