There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Griff Lees
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Late Night With Conan O'BrienLate Night bar did hit some high notes after Conan took over as his witty lines and writing experience projects how good of a host he is.
This was a decent follow-up to David Letterman's version of Late Night. Conan was under a lot of pressure as an unknown following a legend in a high-pressure talk-show slot and behind not just one but several eight balls, and he did a credible job and held his own in Late Night, and he made it his own. I think he was reasonably funny and several of his skits were good, especially "In the Year 2000" and "Triumph the Insult Comic Dog." Those were my favorites. He suffered a loss when Andy Richter left but still managed to survive. It was decent entertainment. It shows how well he handled pressure and that he can be a survivor;however, he was not as funny as his predescessors.** 1/2 out of ****
Nuno H
I love this show. It's not as high brow as say the Today Show, nor as down to earth as Jay Leno's show, but it sits perfect in the middle.Conan is a very intuitive comedian, which can pulls great lines from nowhere and even leave guests in trouble, if they insist on keeping a straight face.The music is alternative, even obscure at times, but at average good.I liked the show better when he had his sidekick Andy. I think the show now depends way too much on O'Brien, and sometimes fails because of this.Otherwise it's a great show, with great comedy and music.
MOVING LIPS: "you can't jingle half the've got to jingle ALL the way!" (Making fun of Arnold)"Of course I threw him off the else is he gonna be gravity savvy?" (Steve Irwin's baby stunt)"Ooh Conan, you're making bubbles devilish" (Michael Jackson)FINISH THIS SENTENCE: "My first pet was...delicious" (Star Jones)THE PROTECTORS SKIT: "The legal age to pose in this magazine is 18 years old. How old were you when you started?" "I was...21" "21? That's not exactly 18, is it? How dare you!'(Barely Legal)I also LOVE the Walker Texas Ranger lever...Conan's a classic. 10/10