Excellent, Without a doubt!!
n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Thom Hall
I am very happy to say that this version of Kidnapped is available on DVD. I got mine in the mail this weekend. I wrote a review on this in 2005. I would be hard pressed to say if I liked Braveheart or this version of Kidnapped better. It took a long time, but it was worth it. It is just a good as I remember it, and I am able to share it with my son. There is a little bit of poor picture quality in some of the nighttime scenes. It should be in the movie library of any good Scot. It is in Region 2 format, but I found website that tells you how to unlock the Region code of your DVD player. Here it is. Order the DVD, setup your player,and enjoy. I just wish I could get the soundtrack.
This is a great movie, with only one problem: you cannot buy a copy and it was only shown on TV in the USA once that I know of, in the early 1980's. I hope someone will get the idea to show it again, and make it available for purchase on DVD or VHS. I have never seen a better version of this movie. It really captures the spirit of Scotland at the time. I would put it up against Braveheart or any of the Lord Of The Rings movies. The music alone stirs the blood of anyone with Celtic blood, or a Celtic spirit. The fight scenes are most excellent. I hope someone who has the power to get this movie out for everyone to see it again will do so. If someone knows if there is a DVD or VHS copy out please post a message on here.
I saw this when it was originally screened in 1978 or 1979 - I was just a little kid at the time. I was living in Argyll, Scotland - real Gaelic country/landscape, so the programme really resonated with me. It was repeated in 1980 or 1981 but after that i never heard anything about it until circa 1991 the first two or three episodes, edited together, were released on video briefly, by a company called VideoGem. I was surprised by its quality - I thought my childhood memories may have exaggerated its appeal. Some of the acting - particularly David Balfour - is slightly wooden; on the other hand , a lot of it is very good - notably David McCallum as Alan Breck Stewart. The episodes I saw on video included original material that doesn't feature in the book; but unlike typical Hollywood 'adaptations' some of this material is quite worthy - including a scene that suggests the relationship between the Scots tenants and the Stewarts-in-exile was more about extortion than loyalty. As for the video release, I don't think it sold very well, as I never saw any further releases of the remaining episodes, which was a great disappointment.I agree that it was easily the best adaptation I've ever seen, and it would be great to see the whole series released on video. If I remember rightly, the series also adapted at least some of the sequel 'Catriona'.
This is the most complete in story and best performance of any dramatized version of Kidnapped. It was shown on televion only once in the United States. That was back in 1981 or 82. It is a pity that it has never been shown again or released to home video.