That was an excellent one.
Simply Perfect
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Portia Hilton
Blistering performances.
Worst episode i wish that lady did die id never leave any of my dogs to die like that shes forsure not one of the people i would of liked to survive replace her with wteve irwin please god
I just saw the show that was about the girl who was attacked by a black panther. She made a comment close to the end of her story that some people say there aren't any black panthers in Texas well there aren't as man as there use to be but they are here I've seen them and lots of other people. Just wanted her to know that lots of people here will believe her. And as for the person who said he didn't see any scars on the people must not of seen this show. And plastic surgeons do wonders for scars these days. I don't really have a rating just wanted her to know lots of people in Texas believe her.
Every single episode and story in this series is fake. These people claiming they've been mauled by various wild animals don't have a single scar on them. Some even point to their arms or necks during the show and say 'I could feel my bones crushing' when there is no one cut even visible. In one of the episodes, a guy says 'and there it was, a fully grown 400-pound grizzle bear'. One, grizzly bears can weigh 50% more than this; and, two, how did he know it was 400 pounds? My point is, every story uttered in this hogwash is nothing but a script masquerading as a real-life account. Even Urban Tarzan seems more realistic. You want to see what a wild animal attack really looks like? Look up Charla Nash (she survived a chimp attack who happened to be her neighbour's pet). A bear could kill a chimp with one swipe of its arms, but, surprisingly, all those 'attacked' by bears in the show have perfect bodies. And there are those who have been attacked by hyenas, wolves and even sharks! Sharks? Yet they show zero signs of scars or bruising? Yes, yes, very believable. And I am a werewolf. I am not saying humans cannot survive being mauled by various animals, but it would leave long-lasting effects on one's physical body that onlookers would cringe from the view. Please show some respect to viewers and to wildlife alike, and stop producing shows to generate money that are based on lies.