Thanks for the memories!
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
The people highlighted in the show were not having surgery to look exactly like the featured celebrity. They were people already set for surgery who were part of a trend MTV News was documenting. They brought in pictures of celebrities with features or attributes that they wanted to simulate. (ie: Angelina Jolie's lips, or Jennifer Lopez's teeth) I think MTV brilliantly named the show "They Wanted a Famous Face" for its shock value. So much so that even the celebrities wanted to "save" the surgery patients from becoming like them. Hilarious!
This is the most pathetic shows I've ever seen.MTV documents the lives of those who want to look like their celebrity idol. Whether it's to enhance their image (to become "cute") or if they just have an extremely unhealthy obsession with that celebrity.The people are so pitiful. It's so sad and pitiful to see that they'll take those lengths and risks of getting plastic surgery to look like their favorite celebrity! And when they're new look is revealed they don't even look like that celebrity! These twin brothers both got surgery to look like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise (one of those guys) to get more girlfriends and to enhance in their modeling career (I'm not sure about that because I can't remember the episode too good but that's probably the case too.) Well they looked NOTHING like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise but deformed and like transvestites. Then it showed them back at their house with some girls and they were like "oh my gosh! They look AMAZING!" (words can't describe how stupid that comment was.) These nutballs that get the surgery to look like the celebrities should be locked up for life! It's nuts that they'll spend the cash and time to do that! The episode has (if I remember right) one person who is about to get surgery, one who has gotten surgery but didn't like the results and/or had medical problems afterwards, and I believe it also had another person who was going to go under the knife to look like their famous idol.Not for the faint of heart because it shows parts of the surgery.The actress Kate Winslet hates this show (because in particular, one girl went and got surgery to look like her too; she didn't look like Kate either!) I hate it too...it shows how pathetic, ignorant, and stupid some people are in our society that they'll go to those extreme lengths.
All, that I can say when I watch this show is "WHAT THE %#$@ IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!" That's not just referring to the people who get the surgery, but to whoever the sleazebags were that green-lit this show!And to think only, a few years ago, MTV was the network that aired "Daria", a show about people accepting themselves as individuals regardless of appearance, and they're airing a show about people who obviously have very low self-images, otherwise they wouldn't be doing this, and exploiting their adventures going under the knife (complete with all the blood, guts, and gore) just so they can look like a celebrity. And what was up with that guy that wanted to look like J-Lo? That guy needs help!