the audience applauded
Sadly Over-hyped
Fresh and Exciting
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
I have tried to find the serious answer to what H.R. Pufnstuf's initials stand for. But i can't find it anywhere. Does ANYBODY have the answer to this? (aside from the "home rolled"). Also, does anyone know if Jimmy ever got home? I remember watching the show when i was a kid (born in 1962), i hated it, but for some reason i would always watch it. I'm not sure as to why i watched it, i just did. Some of the Sid and Marty Krofts later shows i really liked. Such as "ELECTROWOMAN AND DYNAGIRL" (probably because i was a early teen male and pretty women in tights definitely kept my attention), and the other was called "DR. SHRINKER". And there was one more called "LIDDSVILLE" (i think). Probably because i thought that Charles Nelson Riley was a riot. Does anyone else remember any of these along with of course H.R. Pufnstuf? I feel like a kid again just talking bout these shows. Thanks.
KimMarie (Sykora259517)
by this time its I'm sure you can say dated! I just hope if I ever have kids that they'll watch this instead of Barney!(haven't watched the DVD again.. but I remember Witchy Poo, the big 'Marshmellow'(sp?) himself, Sigmund the sea monster, the Bugaloos I saw 'Lidsville' on TV land (I'm guessing it was on that.. but someone was just switching through the channels) land of the lost and but there's others I do not remember what it looks like for instance Electra woman & Dynagirl, The Lost Saucer & Far out Space nuts.Now THAT would be one non 'scary' Halloween costume I wouldn't mind! but I do somewhat agree with who said its a sick show....What were they showing us in the 70s!? (yes some if from late 60s but all the same to me) Oh yeah anyone remember the Banana Splits? is there any DvDs of that?
Mikey S
To settle an argument I really need to know some information about HR PUFNSTUF in Australia, in particular in relation to the original and any subsequent TV broadcasts of the the series on Australian TV. Any information or help that can be provided will be most appreciated. Does anyone actually know or remember which TV channel HR PUFNSTUF was broadcast on in Australia? Everyone I ask seems to have a different recollection of this, so I'm hoping to get a definitive answer from someone who may know. Was it originally on the ABC or one of the commercial networks? Also, did it ever screen on the ABC? Please post any answers on this Message Board or email me at
[email protected] I look forward to hearing from anyone on this. Thanks
Attention: If her charms are completely lost on you, read no further!As someone who's never smoked the wacky tobacky, I do my best to ignore the alleged reference in H(appy).R(elaxing). Pufnstuf. Anyway, my story...I was just a little too young to watch the show when it first aired. Today, having first seen it on TV Land quite recently, I would easily dismiss it as silly crap if it weren't for one thing: Witchiepoo, the resident villain. This little witch, as played by Billie Hayes, is irresistibly cute and utterly entertaining. She more than makes up for everything the show may lack. Kudos, though, to the rest of the cast, mostly puppeteers.True, Witchiepoo may seem like a total rip-off of the Wicked Witches in "The Wizard of Oz", but I have yet to fall madly in love with Margaret Hamilton's green-faced ghoul, as excellent as she was in that role. It is a testament to Billie Hayes' talent that, through all the ugly make-up, she can be so wonderfully charming and adorable. Witchiepoo proves that a witch need not be pretty (Samantha, Sabrina) to be lovable. And I defy you to hear that sweet laugh of hers and not instantly fall under her spell!Witchiepoo is the antithesis of so much sleazy TV programming today, and that's why I don't feel as silly as I could've about proclaiming my deep affection for this sweet and enchanting character. Thirty-five years since Witchiepoo first arrived, and it'll be a long time before I fall for another fictional character the way I've fallen for Witchiepoo. I am truly bewitched.