Save your money for something good and enjoyable
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Donald Seymour
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Portia Hilton
Blistering performances.
I saw the reviews and the ratings and thought I'd give this a go, and noticed a VERY disturbing trend on IMDb boards- Otaku Anime-Chan's are giving every anime out there a 7 minimum, and most are at a 8-9 regardless of how horrible it is. This, of course, is one of those.It starts off wonderfully, with great excitement and an awesome storyline! Cool guns, and questions you want answered (don't worry they won't be until ep15 or so), and a cool lead character who again isn't shown until the last arc of the storyline(in the form you first see him in).Enter Episode 2....absolutely nothing like the 1st, even seems to be a different world or timeline entirely. Has NOTHING to do with the first episode, and it remains this way until the VERY END OF THE SERIES! You could very literally skip all the way to 17-20 (out of 26!!!) and not miss a SINGLE THING due to the snail's pace of the story(not even story just endless rehashed filler) and the fact that NOTHING RELEVANT HAPPENS UNTIL THE END! They could be two separate stories, two separate animes and it would have been better.No neat gunfights other than a few, with only two which are noteworthy. Again most of which are in the last few episodes.This show is too blatant a ripoff of scarface, and the stuff they added in to make it watchable disappears after the into and doesn't reappear until the end of the series. This is unfortunate, because it had some potential to be cool.Every character is a cliché, every story predictable, and in case you don't understand a point, don't worry because it will be flashbacked and rehashed at least 4 times.I really wish I could get the time back I wasted watching this and put it towards a good show, or game, or outside breathing air...anything really. Want guns? Watch Trigun, Trinity Blood, or any of the other gun-slinger animes, but skip this one! It even makes the mafia seem boring (unlike, say, Cowboy Bebop). Point of fact...would you watch it if the cover art was a few guys in business suits lookin all mafia-like, and the name matched the show, and it was called Tha GodfathaZ (with a Z since there's zombie-wannabe's in this),...probably not. If so, then by all means, this is the show for you!
This twenty six episode series follows childhood friends Harry McDowell and Brandon Heat as they rise from being a couple of street punks to being major figures in the Millennion crime syndicate. At first things go well and they are taken under the wing of Millennion's boss Big Daddy but in time things change; Harry is determined to rise to the very top of the organisation and that will mean getting rid of both Brandon and Big Daddy. When Harry gets his hands on technology that enables him to run an army of the dead known as Orgmen it looks like Harry will run the organisation for a very long time but then after thirteen years he learns that Big Daddy had a daughter, Mika, and he decides she must die too. This is a mistake as the man who helps her survive his attack has the technology to bring Brandon back from the dead. Once back Brandon is determined to protect Mika and have revenge against the people who killed him and the people he cared about.I must admit that I had some difficulty getting into the story during the first couple of episode but after that found myself gripped by the plot and the interesting characters. The back of the DVD case may say this is about Brandon seeking revenge against his former friend Harry but until the half-way point they are still the closest of friends. Because of this we believe in their friendship before we see it break down in such a terminal manner. This also makes it all the more tragic when characters we've grown to care about start dying… unlike Brandon the others don't get to come back. I liked the character designs; in particular I liked how we saw Harry age over the series; from a young man to a middle aged one with grey hair and a lined face. Surprisingly despite all he did the creators managed to keep his character somewhat sympathetic making his ultimate demise feel as tragic… I'm not ashamed to admit I shed a few tears at the end! Overall I'd say this is well worth watching if you want a character led anime that also has plenty of action; just remember some of it is quite bloody so it isn't really suitable for younger viewers.
no detailed plot spoilers, but a general discussion of the progression of the series.gungrave works best when it is a moody crime drama, somewhat along the the lines of michael mann's 80s series crime story. the speculative fiction aspect--- the org men--- seems like an idea shoved into this crime world to make it conform to the video game and more like something for kids who like bleach. the "science fiction" element never fits comfortably with these characters and unfortunately distorts them into laughing evil cliché, injuring the dramatic integrity of the world.overall, gungrave is somewhat like a mix of berserk (which also begins obliquely) and hellsing, but not nearly as well written and psychologically compelling as the earlier and nowhere near as fun as the latter.bear walkin is a cool supporting character and the friendship of brandon and harry is enough to keep me engaged for most of the earlier episodes, but the action is badly directed and sloppy, which is unusual for a madhouse anime, since they are the most consistently excellent anime studio ever (eg. shigurui, x (tv series), death note, etc.).another negative observation is that the violence seems very toned down from what it should have been-- like the pg version of something that should have been a rough hard R (see berserk and shigurui).i'm surprised at the high rating--- this show succeeds somewhat as a moody crime drama, but really loses its way with poorly handled action (with three exceptions) and laughing "evil."
This is one of my favourite anime's. The first episode throws you in a battlefield in the middle of the anime. A big gunfight with no introduction at all. In fact the anime really starts with the second episode. Slowly you'll get introduced to the characters and the organization. After you've watched half of the episodes of Gungrave you'll start to see things of the first episodes. Slowly you'll build up to the situation of the first episode. !Do note that the first episode isn't the last episode as well. The story goes on after that!+ You really see how the characters change and the situation. That has been done outstanding by the creators of this anime + It's an intense story. When you watch the anime, you feel like you are in fact IN the animeAND + The first episode should've been deleted. Puts some people on the wrong track. Although after watching the first episode I decided to watch Gungrave.