Edward and Mrs Simpson


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Released: 08 November 1978 Ended
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Country: United Kingdom
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While still the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VIII meets the married American socialite, Wallis Simpson. Their relationship causes furor in the palace and in parliament, especially when King George V dies, Mrs. Simpson gets divorced, and King Edward announces his intentions to marry her.



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Edward and Mrs Simpson Audience Reviews

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
treeline1 The scandal that brought down a King is examined in detail in this 1978 English miniseries. We meet Edward, Prince of Wales (Edward Fox), who eschews royal responsibilities and propriety in favor of a rather hedonistic life style. He'd had a string of affairs before he met Wallis Simpson (Cynthia Harris), a once-divorced, married American woman in 1931. She is shown to be a calculating spider, he the willing fly. When he becomes King and insists upon marrying her, his actions threaten to destroy the monarchy.Edward Fox is perfectly cast as the spoiled and boyish Prince; it is a pleasure to watch him completely inhabit the character. Cynthia Harris, on the other hand, is never believable as Mrs. Simpson; none of her lines sound spontaneous and her stiff acting weakens the show. The supporting cast, including Peggy Ashcroft as Queen Mary, is wonderful, but the scenes where Edward's advisors endlessly debate the sticky situation are tedious.Still, it's a fascinating story despite its faults and it's fun to watch the Royals' private lives.
gpeevers The Story of King Edward VIII who abdicated the British Throne so that he could marry the American divorcée Wallis Simpson. The story begins in the period leading up to the death of Edward's father George V and concludes shortly after his abdication.While it is interesting for its detailed take on both the relationship and the steps that led to the abdication it may not be enough to hold the attention of those without an interest in history or the British Royal family. Most of the story is told through conversations and meetings.In addition to its portrayals of the title characters it also presents interesting portrayals of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin and Queen Mary and though less time is devoted to them; George V, George VI and future Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Clement Atlee.The series is buoyed by a superb performance by Edward Fox as Edward, but I found Cynthia Harris's performance as Wallis Simpson somewhat less inspiring. There are no obvious flaws to point out, and my apathy might also have come from how the character was written. There is also as to expected from a drama of this sort a good supporting cast highlighted by Peggy Ashcroft and Nigel Hawthorne.Amongst family and friends Edward who was born Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David was known as David and this is how he is referred to throughout the series.This was a seven part British television mini-series, so if you are interested its almost 6 hours in length and 2 DVD's.The series won an Emmy for Outstanding Limited Series in addition to a number of BAFTA awards.
Matthew Kresal I have long been intrigued by the tale of Edward VIII, the English king who gave up the throne to be with the woman he loved an American divorcée named Wallis Simpson. Imagine my surprise at discovering that not only was there a miniseries about it but that one of my favorite actors (Edward Fox) was playing the famed King himself. The result is a rather grand, if slightly overlong, historical drama.As in the case of many a historical drama, the cast is fine one. Edward Fox gives one of the finest performances of his career as the famed King Edward VIII from the dashing playboy Prince Of Wales to the man who gives up the throne for the woman he loves. Cynthia Harris gives a nice performance as the woman he loved Wallis Simpson though she does have a tendency to overact. Thankfully both Fox and Harris share a nice chemistry between them that makes them quite convincing as the famed couple.The supporting cast is fine as well. David Waller gives a fine performance as the Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who tires to keep the government together in the midsts of the crisis caused by the title characters as does Peggy Ashcroft as the famed Queen Mary. From Nigel Hawthorne as Edward's friend Walter Monkton to Wensley Pithey as Winston Churchill to Charles Keating as Wallis husband Ernest Simpson to Marius Goring and Patrick Troughton as opposition leader Clement Attlee the cast is a fine one and makes this drama well worth seeing.Things are strong behind the camera as well. The sets by Allan Cameron and the costumes by Jennie Tate perfectly capture the spirit of the 1930's in which this famed story took place. The score and opening song by Ron Grainer also captures the atmosphere of the 1930's as well. Even better, the script by Simon Raven (from the biography Edrward VIII by Frances Donaldson) is a true highlight. With its attention to details and events the script gives a detailed study of a royal romance that doesn't quite end happily. The dialouge in particular makes the production stand out and gives the whole production an epic quality thanks to the wonderful direction of Waris Hussein.If the miniseries has any fault it is that it seems overlong. At seven fifty minute episodes (or right around six hours) it feels as though it could have been trimmed down at times. There aren't many slow moments in the miniseries but one wonders if those scenes trimmed could have made Edward & Mrs. Simpson slightly shorter.Despite is length Edward & Mrs. Simpson is a fine drama. From its two leading actors to the supporting cast, production values, direction and writing this is a fine example of the art of the miniseries. For fans of fine historical dramas look no further then Edward & Mrs. Simpson.
theowinthrop There was a time that the abdication of King Edward VIII in December 1936 was considered one of the most romantic and beautiful gestures of modern times. After all, the ruler of the greatest empire in modern time gave it away willingly because he could not rule comfortably without the love and assistance of the woman he loved. It certainly is a beautiful gesture.But the truth was uglier. Frances Donaldson wrote the biography that was the basis of this series, and showed that the good natured Prince of Wales was a lightweight in terms of understanding the key to modern British monarchy - public service comes first. As titular head of the Church of England, Edward had a moral obligation of setting a good example. It was accepted that he (like his grandfather Edward VII) could have a girl friend who might have a current husband, or could not legally marry the ruler. Edward VII understood this. He and Alice Keppel had a close, long standing affair (as he had prior to her with Daisy, Countess of Warwick, Lily Langtry, and others). But he always returned to his wife Alexandra. Edward could not understand this, and instead of keeping the twice divorced Wallis Warfield Simpson as his girlfriend, he decided to marry her. Seventy years later one might see this done - Edward's grandnephew Charles has just married his long time girlfriend Camilla Parker-Bowes. But Charles first wife Diane has been dead seven years. Even now however, many people are disappointed by Charles behavior.What Donaldson brought out was that Edward was too pro-German. He was willing to let bygones be bygones, but he went beyond that by attending meetings with German war veterans. Later he openly was friendly to Nazi leaders like Hitler and Goering. During World War II, although in the Bahamas, he attracted many Nazi supporters there, and he may have botched the investigation into the murder of Sir Harry Oakes because of Nazi involvement.Enter the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin. He was usually involved in normal political matters, but the King's demands to wed Mrs. Simpson brought about a political crisis...one that Baldwin loathed. He was fully sick of the reason for this crisis and he did not like the young monarch, who seemed more attuned to taking long vacations than doing his job as monarch. Baldwin certainly distrusted Edward's liking for Germany and it's regime. So he stage managed (beautifully, by the way) the refusal of most of the leading portions of the Empire/Commonwealth of any marriage. Australia, Canada, both Irelands, India, South Africa all rejected the marriage for moral reasons (New Zealand actually supported the King). He managed to keep the story out of British papers (outside of Britain everyone was aware of it). Then the Archbishop of Canterbury learned of it, and all hell broke loose. Wallis urged her lover to forget the whole matter for the time. Edward refused, and gave away the throne. His brother George would turn out to be a better King, and one not in love with Germany.Edward Fox and Cynthia Harris were very good as Edward and Wallis. David Waller, a British character actor - usually in comedies - played Baldwin as he should be played, as a cagey customer who by getting rid of the King helped the Allied cause immeasurably. Peggy Ashcroft as the Queen is excellent too. If they show it again you should catch it.