one of my absolute favorites!
There are women in the film, but none has anything you could call a personality.
It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Suman Roberson
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
I am writing this in hopes of countering one of the reviews I read that admitted they only watched one episode. Condemning a show on a single episode (especially one that later survived 4 seasons) is ridiculous and small minded.If you are going to bad mouth a show... have the courtesy to watch 3 or 4 episodes at least. The pilot is often shot a year in advance and the actors have little background to work with. I try to give a show at least 5 or 6 episodes to find their groove before I start getting really critical. Thats why we have TIVO!!!! A good portion of the cast went on to bigger and better things (Smallville and BSG!!!) so that tells you there was talent here. If you are watching it now... most likely on streaming or some other binge-able format ... you can fastforward some of the bits that dont work so well at first and will be able to give it a proper chance to develop in later episodes.Cheers mate!
i was watching the news and this came on after it....the camera work is trying way to hard to be creative, it ends up making one dizzy. the script is done by monkeys watching reruns of melrose place, i'm pretty sure. and the acting is done by the same monkeys.there may be a law in some states about showing this to children, i could be wrong but it has the ability to stunt knowledge retention. in some ways i think they show this type of programming to promote stupidity amongst young adults, because if they get creative, that could be dangerous.
First off, I hate all teen dramas (O.C., Beverly Hills 90210, Saved by the Bell). But for some reason, I like Edgemont. It reminded me exactly of my Junior High School in the way things ran. From the queen b type (Annika, to the fake punk girl (Kat), to the girl that gets herself pregnant (Jenn), it was just like my school. If you want an accurate view of a Canadian high school or middle school, Edgemont is it. It never tries to shock people with outrageous material, but deals with serious issues in a responsible manner. Shannon is a lesbian, but she is afraid to tell her family and friends. Instead of having some big lesbian kissing scene (like a Hollywood show would do), her sexual orientation is revealed very subtly to her friends. The O.C. and Beverly Hills 90210 were about rich kids, and shows like Saved by the Bell were about high school the way parents thought (or hoped) it was like. Edgemont is a slick, accurate view of school and is not run of the mill. Open your mind, and the show will grow on you.
If anyone remembers Degrassi, Edgemont is the new Degrassi, only focused ona smaller cast of characters. The premise is the same: no one set maincharacter, and a bunch of teens interacting at school and dealing with issues in serious and comedic settings. The show is realistic and reaches out toteenagers and adolescents -- there are no 'adult' characters on the show(teachers and parents are not shown). This allows the series to maintain itsunique focus on the kids of A.C. MacKinley high. The show takes place in BC,Canada, but its concept can be universally translated by any North Americanteen. Kristin Kreuk, from Smallville got her start on Edgemont, but there are some other great gems of actors to be found on this show. It is definitely worth taking a look at.