This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Frances Chung
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
I saw this first on BS WOWOW, but never watched it again for I didn't know what it was, until an English version came out on AXN. I really enjoyed it and easily found the references to it. Others may find it annoying or cliché, but you gotta check it out. It's funny and another cool copy of Tenchi and Ranma just like Love Hina, except with an Evangelion twist. It is another one of those 13/14 episode type anime, or low budget ones, that is short lived, but still good. The main character looks just like Tenchi, he has the uniform of Makoto Mizuhara, and the reactions Shinji has. It's like they made a Tenchi version of that guy. But it is still funny. Recommended for fans of Tenchi, Ranma, and Love Hina, and for those that find Evangelion too intense. An ideal alternative for it too!
Made by the same team that created the classic Tenchi Muyô! Ryô Ôki (1992) (V), this is an extremely well-done series that manages to be both a fond tribute to and a sly parody of the "giant robot" genre. In particular, it gently spoofs some of the more distinctive elements of the groundbreaking anime "Shin seiki evangelion" (1995). Although a little short on coherent explanations (which action in the opening scenes of the first episode caused which universe, exactly why Kazuki is so different from his counterpart), it's chock-full of great characterization, hard-and-heavy robot action, and character-driven comedy that's never silly or cringe-worthy. While the characters are mostly high school age, adults can watch "Dual!" without fear of it being "dumbed down" for a younger audience; the writing is on the whole sophisticated and witty. And for those who don't like subtitles, the Pioneer dub is chock-full of great performances, particularly Joshua Seth and Georgette Rose.Don't miss it!
Sander Pilon
Dual! is about a boy who sees images from an alternate (parallel) reality. When he is teleported into this reality he finds himself in middle of a war between two armies, and his only way to return to his own reality is by winning the war... The anime features lots of laughs, huge robots, pretty good music and a pretty good ending. I enjoyed the series very much and can recommend Dual! to every fan of the genre.