Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Load of rubbish!!
How sad is this?
It makes you wonder, what does this life mean, why all the struggle. In the end, we all die, that is it, no doubt about it.
Smoreni Zmaj
I watched first 6 (out of 37) episodes and I'm hooked. Although this type of animation goes on my nerves, it's not as bad as in other anime I encountered so far, and the story is so good that I have to see it through, no matter retarded looks of Shinigami and all the other flaws of the genre. This would be excellent feature thriller, either movie or series. If possible, in Japanese or European production, although I doubt even Hollywood could screw it too much. But, speculation on the side, in this form, I rate it8/10As the series progressed, I was more and more tempted to give it a 9, or even 10, but the last episode was a real disappointment. Someone who has been living a triple life for six years and playing the game at such a high level would not make such an amateur mistake. I knew they will get him eventually, but I was expecting some highly intelligent mindfak, not the outworn cliche of a villain exulting in the face of the enemy before his plan succeeded. Final rating8,5/10
Despite a simple premise this is actually extraordinarily well written with believable characters and motivations. With fantastic Gothic imagery and a well made soundtrack, this is an incredibly entertaining game of cat and mouse that will keep you interested till the end.
As soon as I started watching this series, while the start was a bit slow, I loved it. The battle between Light and L was just beautifully written and I couldn't help but just binge the show. But then they had to kill off L and try to bring in Near. Near was not nearly the same as L, and it was sad to see the producers try to make the same rivalry between them that Light had with L. However, I did love the ending where everything came full circle.