Simply A Masterpiece
How sad is this?
Excellent but underrated film
Maleeha Vincent
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Something is missing...
There's a comedic element that is completely lacking and gives the entire show an unbelievable and offputting vibe.Only in the first episode, when we see the children horsing around while traveling to the cave to look for the missing child's stash of drugs, do the characters appear to have distinct and interesting personalities.From then on, a 'dark', weighty, heaviness pervades every conversation and slowly corrodes the very nature of the show itself.
Everything gets progressively worse for every character, and the show itself is a steady slip into the madness of the mind of the suicidal father in the first episode.Contrast that with Stranger Things' constantly lighthearted vibe while confronting very dangerous alien demons and it's clear, BOTH shows are doing it wrong.There is a lot to love here.
It is not Twin Peaks (there are no cryptic artistic random Lynchian unexplainable loose ends).
It is, in my opinion, the antithesis of Stranger Things, and / or Futureman.
It leaves you feeling drained and more depressed with each episode, but strangely craving more.My only true complaint is that the story progresses so slowly. They try to make it very clear who each character is in each timeline, and how they interrelate, almost to a fault.
I much prefer when time travel movies and shows don't spell everything out immediately to the audience.
I like having to rewatch to catch Things I missed, or reading and deconstructing what I witnessed online.
Primer, and Donnie Darko come to mind.This, however is not one of those, but it's great in it's own way. The best comparison I can make is to the phenomenal movie Timecrime, with a dozen more characters.
This is the first time i watched a German tv-series and I'm greatful that i did watched, otherwise i would never know the concept of the Past, Present and the Future in a Dark way. great performances by actors and actresses as well as brilliantly Directed and the story is told just the way it should.
This truly deserve 10/10
Honestly I was hesitated to watch a not english series because of the languge but this one has changed my mind and I attracked to it every single moment ot is really a materpiece
Started watching this because of its rating. The disappointment started with Episode 1 and did not go away until the end of the last episode.
The series is full of stereotypes, while it seems to drawn in its own -unnecessary- complexity. The attempt to support the script with narrated -junk- philosophy fails big time and after a certain point gets annoying.
Another big failure is the musical score which is used as a mean to enforce to the viewer fear; instead, it gets annoying.
One of the worst series i have watched. Not the worst, as Black Mirror is the worst by far.
Don't waste time on this.