I'll tell you why so serious
It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
It was only 6 shows but it has held many of our hearts for years. I really feel it lives on in spirit because it has that universal spark that all great shows have. It touched our human spirit, made us laugh and cry. OK mostly laugh, but with it not at it. I think it could have been truly great if the characters could have continued to develop and flesh out over several seasons. It's only fault was that it didn't have enough time.The main premise was daring. A weekly drama set in the middle ages. I mean come on how original is that... I know that Gil Grant has been quoted as thinking Bonanza for the middle ages. But hey Bonanza had that same universal appeal because some basic human needs, wants, desires and, problems with the attainment of such, are so transcendent of time and place. Think Shakespere and the fact there are only 10 story lines the rest is just variations on those ten. There were some rough moments. Moments when the characters didn't have their "gel" down yet. But, you could tell they were having fun. They were professional. They were ready to bring this amazing show on. But, they didn't have the time or opportunity to work on not their craft but their bond. Time people. That is all that was lacking... Too bad.
Lore (EventHorizon333)
I wasn't lucky enough to have watched this show during it's first run, but I was lucky enough to have been given the entire series from someone, even the ones unaired in the US-I watched all of them in a single day. I couldn't stop- the characters are great, the story lines are fun, they didn't take themselves too seriously, it's loads of fun- but then they did have serious moments as well. I've heard complants about that, but you know- I felt it worked.They had some plot points dangling, which people also hadn't liked at the time, but it was apparent to me that they were planning on some great plot lines that was meant for the second season that never came.It was a short lived show that deserved much more than it got.
I loved this sitcom and was terribly sad that it was cancelled. I'd love to see it again; I imagine there is little chance of that. As a fan of Excalibur (1981) I was especially charmed by the casting. One of the more interesting shows to come along.
Reuniting Excalibur's King Arthur (Terry) as Sir Thomas Grey, with his queen (Lunghi) as his neighbor-turning love interest Lady Elizabeth, this series seemed perfectly created for those who love medieval period pieces. It was somewhat light on exact history, but did not outright thrash all realism like the Xena/Hurcules shows did. Ione Skye was beautiful as the tomboy only daughter of Lord Grey and the lads (though you had as much trouble keeping track of which ones were about as their father did) all gave splendid performances. The scenery was breathtaking and even though it played itself up as a drama, it's approach was refreshing compared to all the modern day shows airing.Unfortunately, it was too 'geeky' for the average viewer, and perhaps not geeky enough (the mushiness might have turned off fan-boys) for the average fan of knights and wizards and such, so it faded into obscurity almost as quickly as it appeared.I mourn its loss and wish it was available to watch somewhere in some form. It may not have been the best of writing, but it was novel in the way it approached telling the stories. Perhaps too novel for its time.