You won't be disappointed!
So much average
Fresh and Exciting
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
We love the show...I mean, if your a person that wants treasure found right away, this is not for you. BUT...if you want a show that's realistic about treasure hunting...this is it. The ups AND the downs. The story of Cooper is fascinating as well. I don't get the bad reviews above, but to each their own. The only downsize of the show is Darryls Dad....what a complete asshole.
First and foremost, I think this show is paced and edited so badly - which is probably the producer's hand at work here. There should be a solid documentary underneath this, but the style they have gone for is just all wrong as they have tried to spin a series out of something that would be much better more shorter and concise. This type of editing coupled with fake suspense and an over dramatic musical score, makes me think I am watching an episode of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA. Not a serious show about Treasure Hunting. It really annoys me when a documentary devotes far too much time to what's coming up after the commercials and then a recap once the new section starts. It's just watering down of the content and I just wish they would get on with it! Also way too much is reiterated in various different scenes over and over and over again - I get the point and don't need to be re-fed stuff. The scenes where he meets his father and just before he goes to meet him seem quite staged. I also think they've cut them to seem like they occur more than they actually did (the clue is in the clothing). There is so much here that is just being made unauthentic as the dad clearly loves and wants to help his son - but they have to spin an extra storyline out of this due to the format.Saying all that with my hand on the fast forward button I am just about able to get a good enough show from this. The thing that keeps me watching is I find Darrell Miklos a charismatic and likable guy with a good enough story and who I want to succeed. As it is so over-egged, if I do stop watching I will look for a book on the subject and then hopefully won't have to deal with the issues expressed.
This is so contrived as to be laughable. I was worried when he decided to go pump Gene Kranz for info and was happy to see that Kranz stiff-armed him, not because he was hiding anything, but because he was misled about the interview. Way to go, Gene!The premise of the second episode is that Cooper was jotting down shipwreck locations while flying over the Bahamas, and Miklos' only "evidence" of this is that Cooper was quiet in the cockpit for a few minutes. Pretty weak assumption.If Miklos was estranged from his father, why didn't the father wonder what the cameraman was doing there when he opened the door?Cooper had 40 years to find these "treasures"; why didn't he? Why didn't Cooper tell Miklos what all the charts were about rather than make him "solve the riddle"?
If this guy was so close to Gordon Cooper that they shared a man cave together, and upon his death he received this large bundle of documents from Gordon, why would Gordon leave the most vital parts out so you had to scavenge them? It doesn't add up. A more likely scenario is upon Gordons death, he rushed over and grabbed the documents that were lying around and that's why the best, most vital part is missing! Because that wasn't lying around their man cave for him to scarf up.I'll tell you what is legitimate treasure, the stuff he rifles through in Gordons garage! Those items in that garage are potentially worth millions! If his wife was smart she'd auction off the contents of that garage on EBAY! That would be quite a sum, I'm sure! I'll bet the US government might even want to throw in a $100,000,000 to keep that stuff away from the public.As far as all this data from 1963 that was probably the best then, but the Earth is now surrounded in space by 1000's of Satellites with really modern high powered cameras, so these maps, if even legit are comparable in quality to what they can see nowadays to you getting excited about having an Early Cell phone that came with a large box beneath it and cost $3 a minute to make a call on. And a little kid walks by holding a galaxy 8 and laughs at you.I'm was sure MODERN treasure hunters do use satellite imagery and I looked it up and Viola.. What do you know, they did and do! So basically...this is all romanticized hooey!