I love this movie so much
Simply Perfect
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
It's been a while after release but the renderings for this production in my opinion are still some of the most impressive dinosaur-renderings ever made. The quality of the reconstructions, animations, lighting, camera - the scenery as a hole - culminate in pictures of unprecedented visual power. Only pity is that they are repeated over and over throughout the different parts of the series. But these repetitions are broken by cuts into interviews with established and well known paleontologists and other renderings usefully visualizing the explained biological processes. The interviews are over all interesting, sometimes even funny and sometimes well speculative. Underlying almost the hole time is an extensive musically arrangement that adds a sense of drama and may sometimes be a bit too much, but - spoken for myself - never stressed me out. I enjoyed the series for it's interesting information as well as for it's impressive 3D-Visuals ... and even six years after release I'm still very much impressed by it.
Nice dinosaur animations. Tedious repeats of said animations throughout episodes. Ridiculous biological claims re physiology and especially reproduction! All from a few bones? Do me a favour! Just who are the people interviewed on the programme? They talk about dinosaurs as though they are studying animals that they can see! Actually they are reviewing bones and trying to fit their lifestyles around the way animals live today - the ones they can see. They talk about brains, resonant frequencies, sound waves etc. "and often as dinosaurs evolved over thousands of years......." A quote! Oh, we're these people there? Did they study the dinosaurs when they were alive? NO, they weren't and they didn't! The whole series is fantasy presented as fact. Multiple statements are voiced attributing advances to 'evolution'. Complete fantasy! I don't mind fantasy but please don't present it as fact!