A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Created in the mold of Saved By The Bell in an urban setting, City Guys really did a great job firming up their style and the characters were well defined from the pilot. Chris, Jamal, Alberto, Dawn, Cassidy and L Train (recurring, then built up to a starring role) go to Manny High. Chris was just thrown out of his expensive private school and gets sent to Manny High. The first few episodes center on Jamal and Chris, and branches out to their interactions with the other students. Karen Coretta Noble is a no nonsense Principal who has no time for foolishness and has a way with teaching all our cast how to navigate life through not only the sunshine, but the rain as well. Hijinks reign supreme, and lots of lessons and tough love to go around. It's a great throwback to the 90's-00's (show ran from '97- '01) and a pretty nice feel good series as well So, if you're in for a bit of nostalgia, or wanting to introduce your kiddos to a great show in the Saturday morning fashion, this is definitely one you should look at!
Neither the best nor the worst sitcom aimed at teens, this was one of several shows programmed after the success of "Saved by the Bell." The acting, as always in these shows, was execrable when compared to good prime-time programming, but a lot of that is deliberate. The actors are too busy mugging for the camera and encouraging whoops and catcalls from the hyperactive audience to worry about realistic performances. This one was set in an inner-city high school and featured a now cliched multicultural cast. The lame attempts at street cred and hipness were about 5 years behind the times, which means this was seriously cutting edge for network TV.
I caught this at nine thirty in the morning one day saturday. I saw it again. It is not a popular show, and it reminds me of saved b the bell. Its all right. The theme song is very catchy. City Guys is a good show to watch, if there is nothing else good on.
Perhaps like many of you, I grew up with Zack, Kelly and the gang on "Saved By the Bell." However, following the disappointment of "SBTB: The College Years" and "SBTB: The New Class," as well as graduating from not just high school but college as well, I decided I might just be a little too old for TNBC. Then, following a recommendation from a friend, I turned on the TV one Saturday to "City Guys," and changed my mind altogether. "City Guys" has all the right ingredients for a perfect TNBC comedy: Chris and Jamal, the girl-chasing troublemakers, L-Train, the humorously "slow" one, Cassidy, the pretty actress, the requisite couple Al (the wisecracking schemer) and Dawn (the smart activist), and Ms. Noble, the wise but fun principal who takes no guff. Hilarious hijinks ensue!Unlike... certain other shows we all know and love... "City Guys" does not resort to stereotypes about nerds and cheerleaders. The gang at Manhattan High "keeps it real" with "special" episodes (Dawn's mom battles alcoholism, L-Train learns he has dyslexia) as well as wacky plotlines (L-Train, Al and Jamal join the ballet club, Chris, Jamal and Cassidy compete to see whose diet strategy will help Ms. Noble lose the most weight in time for her high school reunion). What more could you ask for in Saturday morning entertainment?