Sadly Over-hyped
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
It is almost as if someone set out to remake A Very Peculiar Practice but for some reason took the quirky University academics and oddballs interactions setup and manage to make every part of it utterly charmless , desperately trying to be vile but doing so every line for whole scenes with no humour pay-off or character in there. Comes over more like a child wanting to provoke being given attention kicking the back of someone's seat on a bus for an entire journey Tiresome. Disappointing.
A blot on many good peoples careers frankly.
Just an endless series of cock and fanny gags. Oh, and jokes about bums and poo as well of course. Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of toilet humour, but when that's all there is it wears very thin, very quickly. Talents such as Sarah Pascoe are wasted here; she seems to have been cast as a bimbo purely because she's blond. The un-pc quips of the VC quickly cease to seem ironic, instead becoming, while maybe not actually offensive, definitely tiresome. The problem with (apparently) sending up such humour is that, when it's a relentless stream without intelligent premise of construction, it requires you to take it at face value. All in all, a bunch of thirteen-year-olds could write something far more witty and engaging than this dross.
I tuned into this show simply on the off chance I might enjoy it. I left all expectations of it being 'the sequel to Green Wing' at the door and instead judged it based entirely on it's own merit, because I think that's the fairest thing to do... Thankfully I loved it.Sure it's not to everyone's taste, for some it's too silly, too surreal, too nonsensical and risky. But it still does appeal to many people, especially young adults, probably because it is a likable and fun show for today. The writing is consistently good, the acting is great, and I can safely say I have laughed every episode. I happily recommend anyone to give it a go.
Trailed on the night of it's transmission as the "Sequel to "Green Wing","Campus"is the nadir of British TV screen writing. Before the first commercial we had the requisite number of "f****s",numerous "sh**s" and one use of the not terribly well - regarded C word as icing on the cake as we discovered how bereft of imagination,originality and humour the script actually was. How could anyone think that presenting the main character as a Ricky Gervais lookalike was going to bring anything other than invidious comparisons? Most of the actors look rather embarrassed but bravely - the poor dears - carried on in the best Showbiz tradition. As the great Stephane Grapelli once said "'ooevair said ze show must go on was a cont". And that's the only word I'll be quoting from the script. In the early eighties "A very peculiar practice" was set in the medical dept of a modern university.It was funny and accurate and believable. None of those words could possibly be applied to "Campus".