I love this movie so much
So much average
It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
I watched this show one day because I had nothing else to do. I'm so glad that I did! I was very impressed with the fact that Disney allowed itself to grow up a little and place their characters in real danger and let them get hurt a little. It's about time. Kelly and the rest of the cast do an AMAZING job when the drama is going on but they can pull off the comedy as well. It get's corny occasionally with the villains but he it is still a good show. My favorite part is the action sequences. They would be impressive even if it was a high budget action movie! Major props for that! I hate cheesy action and this absolutely pulls through. I also love that they give Charlie the angst of wanting to keep his family safe. Again Kelly is amazing at doing emotions. I wish they would pump out episodes faster, thats my only complaint. (fyi I'm a 19 year old girl so this show is not just for little boys or parents who have to sit though it with their kids)
After seeing the premiere of the show, I thought it was rather good, so I continued watching it. It turned out to be pretty good, but sometimes I feel that with all the creepy mutants and the paralyzing and the guns and lasers and people getting hurt in ways that would probably break something that this show is a little too dark to be a kid's show, if you know what I mean. This is probably the darkest series Disney has ever made. Well, what with Disney being all kid-friendly, it's probably the ONLY dark series Disney has ever made.It's got some good humor, but most of the jokes are kind of expected. Most of the funny moments are with Jason's half of the storyline in episodes, because Jason is sort of a major screw-up throughout the episode.Otherwise, the acting is pretty good, I like how they keep T. Abner Hall in shadow throughout, S.T.A.N is thoroughly amusing, especially since he's a robot, and the fight sequences are impressive. However, the costumes leave something to be desired. In the first episode, Aaron asks S.T.A.N, "Do I look silly?" the first time we see him in his "uniform". When I watched that, I thought, "Yes. You look very, very silly." When I watch this I remember Power Rangers. I absolutely DESPISED Power Rangers. With their freakish costumes and going "Hi-yah!" and making weird noises when they fight, and the villains looking like they were made out of plastic (which they probably were), and the "monsters" obviously wearing costumes, and the plastic villains not moving their mouths when they talk, it was a pretty bad show. Aaron Stone is much better, no weird noises when fighting, no plastic villains, just normal action show stuff.Anyways, I've kept you for long enough. Overall, it's a pretty good show, although some mothers may ban their kids from watching it because they are afraid it will give them nightmares.
There are moments where I flashback to Power Rangers when watching this but those are few and far between. Despite it being a kids show the actors do try to play it a little less so which I think works. The bad guys are probably the corniest thing on there but the fight sequences do make up for that. Surprisingly, I enjoy it. Enough that waiting for a new episode is a bit of a drag. I'm especially impressed with Kelly Blatz. I doubt this is his dream job but he doesn't let that stop him from putting all he's got into his character(s). I look forward to seeing more of his work. I wish there was a little more continuity but being that it's a kids show I'll give it some leniency.
The more I see of this show, the more I like it. I expected it to be quite cheesy, but it's not. The fight sequences are top-of-the-line (and some of the bad guys are really hot). This makes me think of an adult's action show without all the swearing, nudity, etc. It rocks! I'm so addicted to it that I'm seriously considering recording all of the episodes onto tape, and I never want to do that until I'm 3 or 4 seasons into a show. This show isn't a comedy, which is what Disney Channel excels at, but it is still really well done. Frankly, I'm still sitting here with my mouth open, I'm so surprised. I mean, come on, a Disney Channel drama? Yet somehow, it works.