1000 Ways to Die


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6.8| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 08 February 2009 Ended
Producted By: Original Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.spike.com/show/27237

The science of living and the randomness of death are combined with a dash of Darwinism. Forensic experts, pathologists, toxicologists, herpetologists, and other experts offer eloquent explanations of mortality.

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1000 Ways to Die Audience Reviews

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
crimson_knight_7 Normally I wouldn't give a show, or a movie for that matter, such a low rating; however, "1000 Ways to Die" is both inappropriate and disrespectful. Sure TV shows has shown violent as well as terrifying ways to die, but many of these deaths are used to amplify the type of atmosphere the Director is looking for in the story. Although the stories in "1000 Ways to Die" might be slightly modified and the names changed, the fact is the creator of "1000 Ways to Die" chooses to mock real cases where real individuals have died as a result of unfortunate circumstances or poor decisions. Not only is the idea of this show completely insensitive and morally unacceptable, but the "humor" is utterly distasteful. It's one thing to laugh at someone's misfortune in a fictitious movie; however, it's another to laugh at a real individual's misfortune especially if that misfortune should lead to their death. In the end, a viewer should ask him, or herself if they would laugh at the death of someone they loved. If not, than why does it become acceptable to laugh at the death of another?In the end, this show is a disgusting shameful stain that should be removed.
hazysistersunshine33 This show is not for the faint of heart. It re-enacts some really gruesome deaths and these are deaths that have happened to real people. I can't believe some of them actually happened because they are so crazy, like one about a purse snatcher who ran into a car wash to get away from the police, slipped on water, fell back on a pressure hose that turned on and shot high pressure water into his skull until his head blew up. Some are a one in a million chance to happen, like a guy who gets killed by a stray bullet shot into the air from a mile away. It comes down dead on into his heart. Some make me think, I hope to God I don't die like that, like the guy who presented the brazen bull to an emperor who put the presenter into it to test it. If you've got a fascination for death and the macabre, you will enjoy this, the narrator makes some rye jokes to keep the mood a little lighter. It's not really meant to be a grim depressing show, just a show that makes you go, whoa that is messed up.
EntertainmentBuff The show is very unique, entertaining, and additive. It takes crazy deaths that possibly happened in real life and builds a story around it typically showing a bad person receiving what they deserve. It is not the absolute best show on TV, but myself along with a lot of people I know from different age ranges and backgrounds enjoy it. Only the type of death is based on true events, the story that is built around it is 100% made-up for entertainment value. Ron Pearlman (Sons of Anarchy, Hellboy, Beauty and the Beast) is a perfect narrator for the show.My main reason for posting was to respond to some of the negative reviews...1) Trashy and Tasteless, 14 October 2010, Author: Lloyd BowmanThe show is not meant to be tasteful, it is there for entertainment purposes. If the show was bland simply going over these odd deaths, then it most likely not be on the air due to a lack of audience. It has a targeted audience and does a great job reaching them. Lastly, the show is on SPIKE TV...if you are looking for something tasteful, then you are on the wrong channel.2) Terrible exploitation of people, no lessons learned!, 9 March 2011 Author: Kristinartist79The show allows viewers to see possible ways that they could die that they would never dream of. In that aspect, it does serve a purpose. One example was "Water-Logged". I have personally jumped off rocks into the water along with thousands, maybe millions of other people. Did any of us think that water might actually shoot up your rectum? Now, I would think about it twice prior to doing it again. Who knows, it might of saved my life or another viewers. Also, how does it not get into how to prevent it? Simple, DO NOT DO IT! Each episode shows you exactly how the death occurs along with experts explaining it to you. So how do you not see how to prevent it? Lastly, you state it is not for kids...WOW, really? It is a show about people being killed in strange ways...why would I show that to my kids? On top of that, it is on SPIKE TV, not PBS. The fact that you even brought that up along with Sesame Street and religion shows that you are a complete idiot and you should not be allowed to watch TV.3) Unconventional, 13 November 2011, Author: Megan RossWhen you watch a movie, do you want to see good people being killed? When you read or watch the news, do you want to hear about an innocent grandmother being shot? Not at all. On the other hand, you do want to see the enemy or bad guy being killed in the movie along with the robber, rapist, murderer getting killed in real life instead of their victims. With that being said, for the show to gain an audience and have that audience enjoy what they are watching, they have to show situations where a bad guy or someone that deserves to die. This allows us to enjoy it. I wouldn't watch it if innocent people were being killed, nor would anyone else.
Rahul Sridhar Well, this is my first review here , so please bare with me.Well i watched this on my Pc and din't expect it to be too bizarre. Rather i thought it will be just another show which promises bizarreness like the ones they usually show, and guess what i was remarkably wrong. First of all ,if you are faint hearted i would request you to give this show 'the pass' . The show depicts intense scenes of violence and possible(not probable) ways to die.It is extremely graphic and shows us how death comes about when you are least expecting it to knock on your door. This show is much like 'Final Destination'(the movie) , i would go as far as saying it is even more violent pertaining to the fact that , the deaths portrayed are real. Especially the one particular death of a reclusive guy called Mark who had a weird hobby of collecting deadly slimy creatures. I am not going to say anything more than this. This show is only for people who can take this up for educational viewing and seriously not for the faint of heart.On the whole i would say this is an excellent show and i am looking forward to the next episode.