Tatsumi Serizawa (Kyoka Suzuki) is a ramen master and a leader in the ramen industry. At Tatsumi Serizawa’s restaurant, her employee Aya Natsukawa (Maryjun Takahashi) notices a customer Yutori Shiomi (Yuina Kuroshima) not eating her ramen. The ramen is a new menu item. Yutori Shiomi states that her ramen doe not taste good. Aya Natsukawa becomes upset at her. Later, Yutori Shiomi appears at a job interview for Tatsumi Serizawa’s company. At the job interview, she tells Tatsumi Serizawa that she can make this ramen delicious.
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Mamoru Hoshi, Tatsuya Ikezawa, Atsushi Yoshikawa