the audience applauded
disgusting, overrated, pointless
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Allison Davies
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Made up of nothing but the "good stuff" (i.e., gore and nudity) from a handful of mostly European drive-in fright flicks, this perfectly entertaining compilation breezes along at a zippy 73 minutes and hence doesn't overstay its welcome. The wrap-around segments feature various attractive young ladies being chased into the Del Rey Theater in Los Angeles where a gaggle of undead folks played by people in lovably cheap, yet still funky rubber Halloween masks are watching zombie horror pictures on the big screen, thus giving director Ken Dixon an excuse to show clips from Lucio Fulci's "Zombie" (the underwater shark sequence and the legendary splinter through the eye set piece are naturally shown, plus nudity), "Zombie Lake" (lots of naked chicks), "The Oasis of the Living Dead," "Dr. Orloff's Invisible Monster" (looks hilariously crappy, plus more nudity), "Fear" with Laura Gemser (no complaints about that), "A Virgin Among the Living Dead" (cue even more nudity), and the gloriously ghastly "The Astro Zombies." The scenes in the Del Rey Theater with the zombies engaging in dippy comedic antics are a hoot, with the sidesplitting highlight occurring when the bumbling zombie projectionist accidentally cuts off one of his fingers while trying to load a reel into the projector. Paula Singleton, Janielle Lewis, Janessa Lester, Tracy Burton, and Karrene Janyl Caudle are all quite fetching as the hapless lasses who serve as zombie magnets. Good trashy fun.
This film is a horribly convoluted mish-mash of clips from various (mostly European) zombie films. That being said, if you enjoy any of the following three things, you may just love Zombiethon: 70s/80s zombie films, naked women, Family Guy style randomness.Zombiethon combines the campiness of both the zombie films and softcore nudity of 70s and 80s cinema, and even has one segment which seems to be a horror buff's Jeffery Dahmer inspired take on Family Guy style cutaways.Get a few friends, have some drinks and don't slack off on the smart-aleck comments, because this film is a riot!
How does one review "Zombiethon"? From executive producer Charles Band (of Full Moon), this is nothing but a series of clips from zombie films, mostly or completely European ones that may be hard to find (or were at the time).I cannot say the gore is good, even though it is, because this film's creators did not make the gore, they just took clips of it. There is no plot, no acting. It is really just clip after clip of zombies attacking. If you love zombies, this might be something you want to check out... I could also see this being a good film to play in the background at a party or something.There is a non-stop barrage of naked women frolicking (often with other naked women), which you might like, and there are some good scenes from Lucio Fulci's films -- some eye-gouging and the wonderful zombie versus shark scene. I guess since in 1986 you could not easily obtain the originals, this might have been a good idea, but now it just seems like another cheap Charlie Band maneuver (and you almost have to wonder if the people who own the rights to these films should not try to shut this picture down).The film was once distributed by Wizard Video, though to the best of my knowledge they have been gone since the late 80s or early 90s. There is a rumor that Band has been re-issuing titles under the Wizard Video banner because of the popularity of the box art, but I know nothing about this. I saw "Zombiethon" on Netflix, and I think that may be its only existence.
A compilation of zombie clips whose only true reason for existence is showing a lot of movies that have never reached our shores here in Brazil, due to the fact we were living in a hardcore military dictatorship at the time of the depicted movies release. So, it was an undying pleasure to finally see some scenes from "Zombie" and "Fear", of Lucio Fulci, that were censored and banned in my country. The other clips are all right, but the poor production and involuntarily funny special effects shown, together with the nudity exploitation, harm a little the experience of watching them; although it is always interesting to see European horror movies because of the different atmosphere and general delirious climate of such flicks. The linking segments are OK, but nothing memorable and with a glimpse of welcome irony. I give thumbs up, but stays in the average.