Undescribable Perfection
Sadly Over-hyped
Lack of good storyline.
Kaydan Christian
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
While this is a relatively low budget movie, they do great work! it portrays a great plot, it was just simply outstanding. Who was miller? I am still wondering to myself 8 years later. This movie often comes up in conversation at dinner with my family. Every night we sit and wonder what happened to miller.. is he dead, is he alive, I NEED TO KNOW.The cinematics were great, especially with the scene where the two by four was used to conk the zombie in the head and guts splattered everywhere. Genius. Directing was on point as well. Loved the "Lets Party" scene, got me excited for the rest of the film and the action that was going to occur. Was not disappointed with what followed to say the least. The acting as well as the dialogue was advanced in a sense to it made you think on a deeper level, " what if you were in their shoes" The ending scene left me wanting more. This movie fulfilled my need and itch for a good scare and a good laugh.Overall, a great film to watch with the family, the kids, or the boys.Cant wait for the sequel!
Was just awful. The blood looked like tomato juice and the acting was god awful. Who ever made this was a moron. If you want a good film watch Quarantine 2 or REC. After the first few minutes I turned it off. I rented this film from family Video thinking "Sounds Good". I was horribly wrong. Seriously this film had to be a joke because it sucked so bad. I bet a bunch of monkeys could come up with a better zombie film. The worst part is they are coming out with a sequel to this piece of trash. Now time for some random stuff because I can't think of anything else. I bet REC Genesis will be better. When will the directors learn?
Can't the government do something about movies like Zombie Apocalypse? I mean, the FDA wouldn't let me mix up some cold medicine in my garage and sell it to people. The State Patrol wouldn't let me drive down the street in a car I cobbled together out of duct tape, aluminum foil and a lawn mower engine. If you drop out of school in the 7th grade, you're not allowed to hang up a shingle and call yourself a lawyer. Yet for some reason, any ambitious half wit who can squeeze a loaf of cinema out of his creative anus is allowed to sell it to the public as though it were a professionally made product. That ain't right. At the very least there should be some sort of rating system to warn people, labeling garbage like this as MBTM - Made By Talentless Morons.This motion picture is atrocious. Nothing about it is better than amateurish and a lot doesn't even reach that low standard. This script would get you flunked out of screen writing class. These performances would get you kicked out of acting class. The direction would get you deported from the country. I could give a camera and a boom mic to a bunch of middle schoolers and send them out into the woods and they could improv a better film than this. It really should be illegal to market and distribute something this woeful. Putting this DVD on the shelves and waiting for someone to rent it is like digging a pit and waiting for someone to fall in, then stealing their wallet.This film is about a band of survivors who have to work together to survive after a virus outbreak causes the dead to rise. Now, that same description can be applied just as accurately to dozens, if not hundreds, of other low-budget flicks out there about the walking dead. But even though almost all of them stink on ice, most would still probably be better than Zombie Apocalypse. What is it about zombies that attracts such cheap and grotesquely bad filmmaking? There have been terrible werewolf and vampire movies, but nowhere near the number or as crudely made as zombies.If this were simply a matter of incompetent boobs trying to make a movie and failing in tragic fashion, I could forgive that. There's a certain charm to that sort of Ed Wood-ian sincerity. That's not what is going on with these dunderheads. There are too many times when the film slides haphazardly from pitiful attempt at drama to even more pitiful attempts at comedy and then back again to be unintentional. There are too many unbelievably horrid fight scenes that look like something out of live action role playing to be accidental. There are too many moments where Zombie Apocalypse plainly tries to embrace a "so bad it's good" ethic for this excrement to be the work of guys who were unaware of how much they suck. From awful voiceovers to imbecilic plot twists to aping stuff they saw in Shawn of the Dead, the folks who made this junk knew what a ghastly job they were doing. They just didn't care.The people who made Zombie Apocalypse should be beaten with hickory sticks. The people who put it out into the DVD market should be forced to bathe in the bowel movements of a thousand fat men. You not only shouldn't watch this movie, you shouldn't be friends with anyone who likes it.
This movie cropped up alongside all the new releases in the shop. I like zombie films so thought i'd give it a try. The cover art looked good but unfortunately bares no resemblance to the film.The film is just awful from start to finish. no one can act and the zombies look like a 5 year old was hired to do the makeup. It may be low budget but that's not an excuse. If you have no money then you need to be clever with what you do have. Trying to make a zombie movie with no story, no actors and no effects just results in boring garbage.The whole things feels like a you-tube homage to zombie films made by some kids in a garage.