Let's be realistic.
Verity Robins
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Jonah Abbott
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Dylan almost never watches movies twice. But he did it with this movie. And he thought that it was even worse the second time around. He thought that the effects were some of the worst things that have ever been put on the screen. He hated how boot legged the DVD copy was and there were times when he would get headaches over every single thing going on during the scene. There was a scene in which Dylan started to make fun of all the horrible Proto Zoa songs that were in the movie. He went up to the bathroom to take a break and when he was taking a bathroom break he clogged up the toilet over how awful the movie is. The scene when Zenon started saying major every other word broke him.
I enjoyed this movie! The Zenon series is very cute, with exciting events in each one. This Zenon Z3 was my favorite. The cast was very good, with Zenon pulling off another excellent performance. Margie and Cassie were good. It was fun for Raven to make a special appearance. The new Proto Zoa was FABULOUS! He was entertaining and performed well. Cosmic Blush gave an excellent performance and had a great voice.The new character, Dasha, was very cute. I thought she was energetic and made the movie entertaining. She brought youth back to the movie series for younger kids that enjoy DisneyChannel. She did a great job for her first performance!
After reading some other reviews about this movie I thought I would contribute a little of my own to hopefully give it a little more respect as it should be entitled to. It's not all that bad of a movie assuming you keep a few factors in mind while watching it... although, it would have been much better if they would have been able to get the same actor who played Proto Zoa from the firs two movies to reprise his role in this 3rd addition to the series.Anyway, if you watch it in terms of it being a "game" it's a fun movie to watch and enjoy. The way Disney Channel premiered it and aired it for the 3rd time the next night were probably the only good showings of it they will do. Just airing it as a plain movie won't be all that special or much fun in other words. If you saw the premier than you knew that this movie comes with a fun twist -- it has 50 hidden "Z's" scattered throughout the movie in which as you watch it you can try and locate them yourself. Some of them are quite difficult to see while many of them are extremely easy (true). So, if you were clever enough to record both the original premier and the Saturday night encore of it you've got the best 2 showings of the movie ever and 2 versions of the movie that you would be able to watch again and again if you feel like watching a movie just for pure fun and even to make a game out of it!If Disney does do yet another Zenon movie (Zenon 4) hopefully they will learn from this last 2 movies and make sure that they at least get ALL the original cast members and come up with a decent script for a MOVIE and just a script for an hour long TV show (which is probably all that Zenon Z3 is without the commercials... unfortunately).
I never realized that tonight must have been the premiere of this. So how does this 3rd installment, 5 years after the original fares up.To me, it has taken a downward spiral.. The original movie was fun in a witty way. This one degenerates quickly to a love teeny story with some rather weak made for the film music. The whole movie feels like an episode taken out of some series than a stand alone movie. The cast has been exaggerated badly and they are simply trying too hard. Camera wise, it also feel like a series. There is no depth, no angles.. just straight shifting of the views. The gadgets they use are annoying. Disney never really progressed the idea at all. However, unlike the 2nd one, this is a wild shot and i hope the last of Zenon.3/10Because they really failed with this one. Watch a rerun of the original (which you notice they never air so you cannot compare how bad the other 2 really are!).