Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Brian Barron
Bad acting, Bad CGI, Bad Plot, Badly thought out Aliens. The only thing saving it from a 1 rating is that it has Rocket Rangers (not what they call them, but you know what I mean when I say it). They are, of course, poorly done and poorly thought out - but I have trouble giving a really crappy rating to any movie featuring a squad of jet-pack equipped soldiers. Of course the Aliens make it impossible to give any rating higher. They can teleport and mind-control the monster, blast cities, and have been around for 200+ million years and yet they are defeated because without mind control Yonggary (the fire-breathing monster) is good and like humanity.The climactic final CGI battle occurs when the Aliens send in a tentacle-using electric Turtle (the writers must be watching too much Hentai) that Yonggary blows up by shooting a fireball into the shell while the electric turtle has its head withdrawn. Overall, just say no.
Big Ox
People who hated this movie probably didn't get through the first forty minutes of it. And, they're not necessarily overreacting: it's an illogical yet painfully predictable film; it's over-the top but only in the most cliched manner possible; it's terrible, but truly, unabashedly terrible. And, from that standpoint, I can somewhat respect it for what it does. My suspicions are that director Hyung-rae Shim INTENDED this to be an homage to the hilariously cartoonish slough of monster movies to come out of Japan after the success of Rodan in the 1950s. It succeeds in evoking the same, unrelenting two- dimensionality of those old films, uses the same formula seen in Gameron and Godzilla films (the seeming monster foe turned champion of humanity). Same cheesy models and doe-eyed onlookers. Same military and scientist bad guys. Where it fails, unfortunately (and what would have made it an adequate homage to Japanese monster filmmaking) is that it omits the essential morality play at its heart. Without a moral framework to make the "good monster v. evil monster" scenes meaningful, the movie is virtually useless. I say "virtually" because, as my partner often says, nothing's completely useless. You can always use it as a bad example.Some youngin' fed a steady diet of sophisticated special effects movies is not going to tolerate this. So be it. I got a kick out of it at times with a long groan and a smile. To the over-40 set, crack open a six-pack, and enjoy the nostalgia. (Just say, "no"!)
The good of this film is that the monster effects, artistically speaking, are excellent despite other reviews likely to be contrary. The bad news is the acting...whether its the direction or the talent, it doesn't matter. This one begs for the MST3K treatment. How can I differ so greatly with others on the effects issue? Well, from an artistic view, the drawings, as it were... the creative product of creatures, their movement, spacecraft and their activity and effects alone, are in fact elegant. The creature actually dodges attacks fluidly, something rarely seen in city crunching monster flicks. The reason other reviewers may well be harsh on the same subject is that these selfsame creatures and effects are poorly applied to the canvas so-to-speak. As though the glue on a paste-up were showing around the edges of the artwork. A direct description would be, the effects are translucent appearing and must be judged apart from the film itself... no really they must be judged apart ... because the effects LOOK like they ARE apart from the film. Too bad... the bad news out-weighs the good when the storytelling presentation is finally viewed.
this movie has everything:a giant monster named gary (who wouldn't like that?)alien invadersmind control devicesgreed motivated villianstragic heroesepic battles that even gojira would envydecent special effectsfarfetched action scenesand my favorite... hundreds of army men fighting the aliens with jetpacks and laser guns. take that gojira!!!!!!!
if you're looking for a movie to take seriously, than this one isn't for you. i don't think that even the movie takes itself seriously.if you are a fan of mystery science theater 3000 or liked attack of the killer tomatos or dark star, then you just might get reptilian. this movie was a hoot and a half. it's a silly over the top comic book of a movie. i laughed and laughed and laughed.b-movies just don't get any better than this.