A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Abbigail Bush
what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Arianna Moses
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Jenni Devyn
Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
I finally get to comment this ppv.I remember when I watched this when I was a kid with my dad and his friend and it is fair to say it is the greatest wrestlemania of all time. Also, I have not seen a ppv better than this. It is probably the best ppv ever in sports history.Match #1- Inertcontinental Title match William Regal vs. Jericho- This was a very good opener with Jericho's high flying manuvers really owned the match and it was funny watching Regal getting his chest beat up. It was really red. 7/10.Match #2- 6 Men Tag match APA and Tazz vs. Right to Censor- Nothing really great but nothing really horrible it is just a fresh 6 men tag match. Decent. 5/10 Match #3- 3 way dance for the Hardcore title- Raven vs. Kane vs. Big Show- This match was just plain crazy and had extreme moments. There were men going through glass, walls, the crowd, getting ran over by a car and even falling off the stage. Freakin great! 8/10 Match #4- European Title Match- Eddie Gurerro vs. Test- This was solid wrestling and also offered interference. 5/10 Match #5- Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit- This one was the first best match of the night and it was superb technical wrestling from both these technical wrestlers. It went back and forth. Each showed how truly great they can be and got the best out of each other. 9/10 Match #6- Women's Title Match Ivory vs. Chyna- This was not a let down from the show and it was a good thing it went short. 3/10 Match #7- Shane vs. Vince Mcmahon with referee Mick Foley- this was an interesting match and it was entertaining. Watching the high flying crazy moves off the turnbuckle from Shane including him beating the crap out of his dad which as freakin hilarious! It also featured a cat fight and very good story lines. 7/10 Match # 8- TLC for the tag team titles Dudleys vs. Hardys vs. Edge and Christian- Match of the night! This is my favorite ladder to watch and it was plain chaos with tones of bodies going through tables and falling off ladders not to mention falling on the floor while hanging on the belts. AWESOME! 10/10 Match #9- Gimmick Battle Royal Match- It was very cool to see the old wrestlers again and it was quite entertaining. 4/10 Match #10- Undertaker vs. HHH- Great brawl between these two and it was more of a street fight than a regular match and it also had some crazy moments. Bloody match. 8/10 Match #11- WWE title match The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin- What a main event. It is one of the greatest main events to end the show and I believe it is the greatest feud of all time. It was their best match together and features their greatest performances ever in the ring. I also enjoyed the video package leading up to the match. Another bloody match. By the way, you would not believe the ending it had and it is the most shocking twist in wwe history! 10/10 This was an historic night and should be remembered by all wrestling fans in the past and today. I believe this wrestlemania had a huge impact on all of the wrestlemanias after it.Overall: 10/10
This Wrestlemania was enjoyable from start to finish, brilliant matches all the way.All of the title matches were amazing, good work rate from everyone on the card.Best match was Tlc 2 with some brilliant high spots and i just love watching Jeff Hardy in action. 9/10The hardcore title match despite messing up a few times was funny to watch if for the wrong reasons some good spots here; raven being thrown through a window was my personal favourite. 8/10Angle vs Beniot always good anytime any place, excellent efforts from both men. 9/10Intercontinental match pretty good Jericho needs to be main event tho, i always enjoy watching Regal. 6/10European title match was OK, the interference was a bit ott though. 6/10RTC vs acolytes and tazz: this one was good it was just there so rtc could get its ass kicked to the delight of the crowd, reminds me of how good Tazz was. 5/10Womens title match see above, Chyna dominated, not very eventful match. 2/10Gimmick Battle royal it was OK, though i feel these kind of matches ruin the greats, i'm always up for over the top rope stuff tho. 5/10McMahon street fight: very good shane should have become a wwe superstar he never fails to impress me, i'm always amazed as to how huge vince is as well. 7/10Triple H vs Taker: another excellent match ref stayed down for ages it is amusing wen you think how much he missed. 7/10World title match: was just brilliant it reminds you how good Rock and Austin were; if anyone else were to kick out as much nowadays the crowd would get bored, not in this match though. 9/10
The Event was the best, A crowd of 67,925 fans watching the event in the arena and the Billions watching around the world. The 3 best matches in that event was TLC, Triple H and The Undertaker, and Stone Cold vs The Rock. TLC was a great match the only bad thing is the The Champions walking in left the with the titles. Triple H and the Undertaker, Motorhead did a fantastic job playing THE Game to the Ring it was great publicity for them and The Undertaker Entering the Ring with a HIGH rate of speed on his Motorcycle. The Match was great and The Undertaker ended the match with his record of 9-0 undefeated at Wrestlemania. Stone Cold and The Rock was the BEST OF THE BEST Stone Cold definitly had more fans on his side in the match you can tell. The Rock was basically a heel in the match because every time he would hit austin the more fans would boo him and the fans that were cheering him you couldn't hear from all the boos. I think Austin should have won that match because he deserved it more then any wrestler he came back after a year of healing from spinal surgery. Fans new it was his time to shine in the WWF and he went to rule the WWF for most of 2001.
This is the best Wrestlemania I have ever seen! The matches on here are all great, my favourite was TLCII (tables, ladders and chairs 2). All the other matches are very enjoyable and fun to watch, such as the gimmick battle royal. The main event Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock is a very good match and a dramatic end that changes the face of the WWF forever. All in all this WWF event is possibly the best WWF event, let alone the best Wrestlemania I have ever seen! Make sure you watch this one you cant afford to miss it!