WWE Unforgiven 2000

6.6| 2h42m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 24 September 2000 Released
Producted By: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
Budget: 0
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Unforgiven (2000) was the third Unforgiven PPV. The event was presented by RC Cola Edge and took place on September 24, 2000 at the First Union Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The main event was a Fatal Four-Way match for the WWF Championship. The Rock defended the title against Chris Benoit, The Undertaker and Kane. The undercard featured Triple H versus Kurt Angle in a No Disqualification match, Eddie Guerrero versus Rikishi for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, Edge and Christian versus Hardy Boyz in a Steel Cage match for the WWF Tag Team Championship, Chris Jericho versus X-Pac, a 10-Minute Hardcore Battle Royal for the WWF Hardcore Championship, Tazz versus Jerry Lawler in a Strap Match and Right to Censor versus Dudley Boyz and Acolytes Protection Agency in an eight-man tag team match.


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Kevin Dunn

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WWE Unforgiven 2000 Audience Reviews

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
amanwhorocks 1. Acolytes/Dudley Boyz Vs. Right To Censor - I like that mix team, despite they lose there. 7.5/10 2. Jerry Lawler Vs. Tazz - This match was special for me cuz of Raven's another debut in WWF! 7/10 3. WWF Hardcore Title Time Limit Match: Crash Vs. Al Snow Vs. Test Vs. Perry Saturn Vs. Champ-Steve Blackman Vs. Funaki - Blackman retained. 7/10 4. X-Pac Vs. Chris Jericho - Y2J got another push. - 8/10 5. WWF Tag Tean Title Match: Champs-Edge & Christian Vs. Hardy Boyz - Cage match where E & C lost their Belts 8/10 6. WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Rikishi Vs. Champ-Eddie Guerrero - DQ unimportant bout. 6/10 7. Triple H Vs. Kurt Angle - Special ref was Mick Foley. I have to say, that Triple H is one hell Warrior, he took another tough bump through the table, at the end Stpehi kicked Angle to the groins, and HHH scored again. 7/10 8. WWF Fatal 4 Way Heavyweight Title Match: Chris Benoit Vs. Kane Vs. The Undertaker Vs. The Rock - Again and again and again.. Rock won... get that belt to Benoit he deserved that more than the other 3 stiffs. But match was really good. 8/10
evilman574 Unforgiven 2000 was a alright PPV, slightly down from last months great PPV Summerslam, but Unforgiven put forth a great effort nonetheless.SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!Eight Man Tag Team Match: The Dudley Boyz and The APA VS The Right To Censor. Decent opener. This match saw the RTC get the win over the Dudley's and The APA.Strapmatch Tazz vs Jerry "The King" Lawler: A return match from Summerslam and this match was stupider than the one they had at Summerslam. Tazz gets the win when Raven runs in and helps Tazz get the win. This was Raven's debut in the WWE.Hardcore Championship Open Invintantional. Steve Blackman vs Al Snow vs Test vs Funaki vs Crash vs Perry Saturn: This was a pretty entertaining match. 10 minute time limit and the title could change hands at any time during the time limit. Crash was able to win the title but Saturn won it from him seconds later. Saturn held to belt for about 6 mins. or so of the match. Steve Blackman won the tuile back before the match ended.Chris Jericho vs X-Pac: I thought this was a good match despite the fact Jericho was being somewhat demoted in status. From feuding with Triple H and Chris Benoit only months earlier to feuding with X-Pac. Anyways Jericho wins his first PPV match since Wrestlemania 16 by making X-Pac submit to the Walls Of Jericho. X-Pac attacks Jericho after the match insuring that this god awful feud would continue.Steel Cage Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship. The Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian: Easily the best match of the night. There were great spots shown by Jeff. The corkscrew from the top of the cage onto Edge and Christian was just awesome. They still show that clip from time to time. The Hardys become the new tag team champions when they escape the cage after giving a con-chair-to to Edge.Intercontinental Championship. Eddie Guerrero vs Rikishi: Dull match. This match was only used as a precursor to Eddie's heel turn. Rikishi wins on a DQ which means Eddie retains his title.No DQ. Triple H vs Kurt Angle with Mick Foley as guest ref: Excellent match. A return match from Summerslam. Angle dominates most of the match by working Triple H's ribs. Triple H wins when Stephanie McMahon kick Kurt in the balls and Triple H gives him the Pedigree. This moment was a brief Triple H turns into a babyface angle.Fatal Fourway Match for the WWE Championship. The Rock vs The Undertaker vs Kane vs Chris Benoit: Great match. I remember pulling for Undertaker to win but he didn't. Benoit had pinned Undertaker but his foot was on the rop and the ref didn't detect it so Mick Foley made the match continue. Rock eventually wins by hitting the Rock Bottom on Benoit for the 1-2-3. Rock keeps his title and will go on to No Mercy to defend the title.This PPV also saw the return of Stone Cold Steve Assclown who was searching for the mystery driver who ran him down at the 1999 Survivor Series.Overall this PPV deserves a B-. As the PPV'S would eventually go down the tube Unforgiven remains as a strong effort but it dosn't quite cut it. Unfortunately the next PPV No Mercy would go down even further, and that had Stone Cold return to the ring.
Spawn Devil Match 1: Eight-man Tag Team Match Dudley Boyz & Acolytes vs. Right to Censor Dudleys come out first then the Acolytes then RTC. Richards does a little mic work before the match. Bull works over Buh Buh in the corner. Bradshaw with a swinging neckbreaker on Bull. Bradshaw whips Val into the corner hard. Bradshaw with a fall away slam on Val. Val powerbombs Dvon. Goodfather with a suplex on Dvon. Hot tag to Buh Buh who cleans house. Big brawl ensues. Flying clothesline off the top rope on Val by the Dudleys for a two count. Richards superkicks Buh Buh and Val gets the pin. after the match Dudleys do the top rope crotch dive on Richards. Tables are brought in. RTC saves Richards from going through the table. Brawl inside the ring continues. Faarooq with a spinebuster on Val. Top rope Buh Buh bomb on Richards through the table! Winners: Right To CensorMatch 2: Leather Strap Match Tazz vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler Match starts off with Tazz pulling Lawler down. Tazz with a fall away slam on Lawler. Tazz tosses Lawler outside. Tazz chokes Lawler in front of JR. JR tells Tazz to shut up and get in the ring. Lawler chokes Tazz and whips him with the strap. Back in the ring Tazz kicks Lawler between the legs. Tazz chokes and whips Lawler. Lawler fighhts back with punches. Lawler with a piledriver. Tazz no sells. Lawler does a second piledriver. Tazz gets right back up again. A third piledriver and Tazz no sells again, but eventually Tazz falls out. Lawler touches 3 turnbuckles. Raven shows up! Evenflow ddt on Lawler! Tazzmission on Lawler. Ref calls for the bell. Lawler got choked out. Referees come out to break up the tazzmission. Winner: TazzMatch 3: Hardcore Open Invitational Steve Blackman vs. Al Snow vs. Test vs. Funaki vs. Saturn vs. Crash ** 10-minute time limit ** There can be an infinite number of title changes ** The last man to score a pin before time expires is the Hardcore Champion Saturn hits Trish with head by accident. Test gives Terri head. Saturn flies to the outside on everyone. Terri slaps Funaki. Saturn pulls Funaki to the back. Crash pins Blackman and runs off but gets hit by Saturn for the pin. Everybody fights into the crowd. Back to ringside Saturn grabs a kendo stick. Blackman grabs his sticks. Blackman wears out Saturn and Snow. Saturn with a side suplex on Blackman. Blackman controls the ring with the kendo stick. Blackman pins Saturn. With 58 seconds to go Blackman decides to leave. Everyone piles on Blackman. No one can pin Blackman in time. Blackman started out as the champion and left as champion. Winner: Steve BlackmanMatch 4: Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac Jericho chops Xpac down. Xpac kicks Jericho down in the corner. Bronco buster gets countered with a clothesline. Spinning heel kick by Jericho. Xpac knocks jericho off the top into the guard rail. Xpac flies to the outside on Jericho. Xpac throws Jericho into the announce table and camera man. Xpac with a baseball slide dropkick. Spinning heel kick by Xpac for a two count. Modified sleeper by Xpac. Xpac counter a Jericho sleeper with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Bronco buster is hit. Powerbomb by Jericho. Flying forearm by Jericho for a two count. Jericho does a bronco buster on Xpac. Jericho runs into the ring post. Xpac grabs his nunchucks. Xfactor on Jericho for a two count. Jericho powerbombs Xpac and locks on the walls of Jericho. Spinning heel kick on Jericho for a two count. Bulldog by Jericho. Lionsault onto Xpac's knees. Xpac goes up top and jericho catches him. Walls of Jericho for the tap out. Ross slipped up and called it the liontamer. After the match Xpac attacks Jericho with the nunchucks. Winner: Chris JerichoMatch 5: Steel Cage Match for the Tag Team Championship The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian Lita did not come out to the ring with the Hardys. Match gets underway quickly. Hardys double team Christian. Jeff makes it to the top of the cage. Edge crotches Jeff on the top of the cage and Jeff eventually falls to the ground. Jeff is out of the match now since his feet hit the floor. Matt ties up Edge in the ropes. Matt climbs to the top. Edge and Christian chase after him. Double suplex off the top rope on Matt for a two count. Edge and Christian throw Matt face first into the cage which knocks Jeff off the ring apron. Jeff climbs to the top of the cage. Christian knocked Jeff back out from the top. Jeff assaults the ringside ref and takes the key away from him. Jeff unlocks the door and half way enters but Christian slams the door in his face. Christian locks the cage door back and puts the key down his pants. Matt is busted open. Double team on Matt in the corner. Double clothesline by Matt. Matt climbs the cage. Edge stops Matt. Christian climbs out of the cage and he is now out of the match. Edge with a top rope bulldog on Matt. Jeff sets up a ladder in front of the ring and begins to climb it. Jeff and Edge fight on top of the cage. Matt grabs Edge and does a belly to back. Jeff stands on top of the cage. Swanton corkscrew off the top of the cage on Edge which takes out Matt. Lita comes out and does a huricanrana on Christian off the top of the ladder onto the floor. Edge climbs the cage. Hardys chase after him with chairs. Double chair shot on Edge. Edge does the nestea plunge from the top of the cage. Hardys climb down and win the match.Winners and new Tag Team Champions: Hardy BoyzMatch 6: Intercontinental Championship Eddie Guerrero w/ Chyna vs. Rikishi Match starts off with Rikishi tossing Eddie out of the ring, then into the ring steps. Back in the ring Rikishi misses a sit down. Eddie leaves the ring but Chyna encourages him to go back. Eddie tells Chyna she doesn't tell him what to do. Chyna shoves Eddie then throws him back in the ring. Chyna pulls Eddie out of an attempted stinkface. Chyna and Rikishi talk face to face. Eddie goes up top and dives to the outside on Rikishi. Eddie throws Rikishi into the stairs. Back in the ring Eddie goes up top and misses a frogsplash. Back that ass up on Eddie. Rikishi with a samoan drop on Eddie. Rikishi sets Eddie up for the bonzai drop, and connects but Chyna stops the count. Rikishi leaves the ring to talk to Chyna. Rikishi throws Chyna in the ring and shoves her down. Ref calls for the bell. Rikishi superkicks Chyna then does the bonzai drop on her. After the match Eddie grabs his belt first, then tends to Chyna. Winner by DQ: Eddie GuerreroMatch 7: NO DQ - Special referee: Mick Foley Kurt Angle vs. Triple H w/ Stephanie Angle does some mic work before the match. Angle says today is Stephanie's birthday. Angle then sings Happy Birthday to Stephanie. Match starts off with a clothesline by HHH. HHH backbody drops Angle to the outside. HHH slams Angle's head into the announce table and ring steps. HHH clears off the Spanish announce table. Angle clotheslines HHH. Back in the ring HHH spears Angle then hammers on his head. Angle walks into a big boot. Overhead belly to belly by Angle. Angle kicks HHH down in the corner. DDT by HHH for a two count. Angle pushes HHH into Foley. Angle pushes Foley but Foley pushes him back down. Angle suplexes HHH. Neckbreaker by HHH. HHH with the high knee. HHH drops a knee on Angle for a two count. Several times in this match I have heard Triple H calling the spots for the match...audio is too close or something. HHH throws Angle into the ring steps. HHH clears off the announce table. HHH suplexes Angle on the floor. HHH goes to pedigree Angle on the announce table but Angle low blows him. Angle suplexes HHH through the Spanish announce table. Back in the ring Angle runs his shoulders into HHH's ribs in the corner. Angle with several elbow drops on HHH's ribs. Angle baseball slides HHH out of the ring. HHH is busted open. Angle spears HHH's ribs. Angle tries it again but HHH moves out of the way and Angle hits the ring post. Angle places HHH on the top. Angle with a belly to belly suplex off the top for a two count. Angle with the abdominal stretch. HHH counters but Angle comes right back with elbows. Angle goes up top and misses a moonsault. Facebuster by HHH followed up by a one arm pedigree. Stephanie comes in the ring to check on HHH. HHH tells Stephanie to choose between him or Angle. Stephanie kicks Angle between the legs. HHH pedigrees Angle for the pin. After the match Stephanie shows signs of wanting to apologize to Angle. HHH kisses Stephanie. HHH may have busted open Stephanie's lip by kissing her hard. HHH and Stephanie leave but Stephanie seemed upset. Winner: Triple HMatch 8: Fatal Fourway Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship Kane vs. Undertaker vs. Chris Benoit vs. The Rock ** All four men are in the ring at the same time ** The first man with a pin or submission becomes champion ** The Rock does not have to be pinned to lose his title Match starts off with Rock and Kane fighting each other and Benoit and UT going at it. Rock and Benoit fight in the crowd. Kane goes up top and hits UT with a clothesline for a two count. Rock chokes Benoit with the TV cable. UT with a flying lariat on Kane. UT with a big boot to Kane. Benoit stomps UT down in the corner. Rock samoan drops Kane for a two count. Kane powerslams Rock for a two count. Benoit rams UT into the ring post. UT drops Benoit across the guard rail. UT and Rock double team Kane. UT pounds on Rock in the corner. UT with a sidewalk slam on Rock for a two count. UT goes up to do the tight rope walk but Rock pulls him down then clotheslines him out of the ring. Kane clotheslines Rock. Rock pushes Kane into the ref. Rock ddt's Kane. UT brings a chair into the ring. UT nails Rock. Benoit comes in with a chair and nails UT for the pin but UT's legs were on the ropes. Foley comes out and takes the belt from Benoit. Foley says to re-start the match. Triple team on Benoit at the entrance way. Back in the ring UT nails an elbow on Benoit for a two count. Benoit and Kane double team UT in the corner. Rock hits UT with the ring steps. Benoit chops on Rock. Rock with a belly to belly for a two count. Benoit does Multiple German suplexes with the bridge on Rock for a two count. Benoit comes off the top with the swan dive headbutt on Rock for a two count. Rock puts the crossface on Benoit, UT breaks it up. Kane chokeslams UT, Benoit breaks the count. Rock with the spinebuster on Kane. Benoit intercepts the people's elbow. Rock knocks Benoit out of the ring. UT with the last ride powerbomb on Rock, Kane breaks the count. Kane clotheslines UT out. UT drags Kane out. Benoit nails Kane and UT with chair shots. Benoit puts the crossface on Rock. UT breaks it up. UT chokeslams Benoit. Kane pulls UT out. Rock bottom on Benoit for the pin. Winner: The RockThis PPV deserves a B