WWE New Year's Revolution 2007

2007 "The Revolution Continues..."
6.2| 3h0m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 07 January 2007 Released
Producted By: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.wwe.com/shows/newyearsrevolution

New Year's Revolution (2007) was the third annual and final New Year's Revolution PPV. It took place on January 7, 2007 at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri and featured wrestlers and other talent from WWE's Raw brand. The main event was a singles match, in which WWE Champion John Cena defended against challenger Umaga. Two predominant bouts were featured on the undercard. The first was a Tag team match, in which World Tag Team Champions Rated-RKO (Edge and Randy Orton) fought D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels). Another main match was a steel cage match with WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy defending against Johnny Nitro.


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Kevin Dunn

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WWE New Year's Revolution 2007 Audience Reviews

Wordiezett So much average
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
wrestlingsitewebmaster Another lame offering, NYR has been shoddy in 2005, 2006 and yes 2007. With the exception of one match (DX vs Randy Orton and Edge) the fans didn't care about matches like Kenny vs Ric Flair or the Tag Team Turmoil match.The DX vs Rated RKO match should have been the main event in my opinion not the John Cena vs Umaga match. Granted The Cena vs Umaga match was OK but could have been booked better.Results from the show: Jeff Hardy beat Johnny Nitro in a good steel cage match. Kenny pinned Ric Flair via a roll up in a lame match with a terrible finish. Cryme Tyme won the tag team turmoil match which also included The Highlanders, Super Crazy and Jim Duggan, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin and Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, fans popped for Chad's pinfall most probably they were relived this epic bore had ended not because it was a great match. Mickie James pinned Victoria in a decent match. Rated RKO and DX went to a non finish in a superb match when Triple H's leg gave way on him. Chris Masters pinned Carlito in a useless match. John Cena beat Umaga in a so so match to retain the title.Overall Grade - B/C
stefanjburtoft-1 This PPV could have been better but it was better than all the other ones.Match 1: Johnny Nitro Vs Jeff Hardy IC TITLE This match was at times boring, but you have to love the ending. WINNER: Jeff Hardy RATING: 7/10Match 2: Tag Team Tumoril A bad match in my eyes. WINNERS: Cryme Tyme. RATING: 5/10Match 3:Kenny Vs Ric Flair This match was okay but wrong winner. WINNER: Kenny. RATING: 6/10Match 4:Mikie James Vs Victoria WOMENS TITLE I don't like many women matches but this one had potential but it was bad. WINNER: Mikie James. RATING: 4/10Match 5:DX Vs Rated RKO Tag Titles Very good match to bad about Triple H. WINNERS: No Contest. Rating: 8/10Match 6: Carlito Vs Chris Masters Could have been good but it was bad. WINNER: Chris Masters. RATING: 4/10Match 7: Umaga Vs Cena WWE TITLE A good match but it did not match there one at the rumble. WINNER: Cena. RATING: 8/10. SHOW RATING: 85/100
jameslj-cannon Having ended on a high last year with Armageddon, the WWE have started 2007 with a bang. This years New Years Revolution was very enjoyable, with a couple of disappointing matches. The two big matches of the night didn't disappoint, which was a pleasant surprise. Well here are the results from this years NYR:Match 1:Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Title: Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro. I was quite surprised that this match would open the show, but it did so with a bang. There were plenty of high flying moves in this one, as Hardy and Nitro both put their bodies on the line. Brilliant ending to this match as well. Melina held the cage door shut so Jeff couldn't escape, while Nitro was climbing down the outside of the cage. Jeff kicked the door open, causing Nitro to fall and crotch himself on the cage door. Hardy escaped to retain the gold. Winner and still champ: Jeff HardyMatch 2:Tag Team Turmoil Match. This was a bonus match, in which the winners got a chance to compete for the tag titles. I wasn't particularly excited about this one and in fairness was a pretty average match. We started with The World's Greatest Tag Team and The Highlanders. The Highlanders were eliminated first. The next team in certainly caused some strange looks. It was Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Super Crazy. Before you knew it Benjamin and Hass eliminated them as well. Next in was Cade and Murdoch. They made light work of TWGTT and the last team in was Cryme Time. They won by pinning Cade for the 1 2 3. Average, nothing more. Winners: Cryme Time Match 3:Ric Flair vs. Kenny Dykstra. Having beaten Flair twice on RAW, Kenny came face to face with the Nature Boy again. This match was quite disappointing in my opinion. Back and forth action throughout this one, although the ending was quite crappy. Flair had Kenny in the corner, only for the youngster to hit Flair with a low blow. He then got Flair in an inside cradle for his third win against him. Winner: Kenny DykstraMatch 4:Women's Title Match: Mickie James vs. Victoria. A decent match between these two, although it was too short in my opinion. Again, it was back and forth action, but the tide turned when Melina interfered. Before the match, Victoria promised Melina that if she helped her win the title, then she would get the first title shot. However, Maria and Candice came down to the ring and stopped Melina before she could do any damage. Mickie won when she hit the psycho with her DDT finisher. Winner and still champ: Mickie JamesMatch 5:Tag Team Title Match: Rated RKO vs. DX. Well if I'm being honest with you, I wasn't sure what to expect from this match. Triple H made a guarantee on RAW that he and HBK were going to break bones and rip flesh. I didn't for a minute think that this was going to happen, but oh how wrong I was. This has to be the most violent tag team match I have ever seen. It started chaotically, with DX beating the hell out of Orton and Edge. When the action finally got in the ring, it wasn't long before the blood started to pour. HBK was speared to the outside by Edge and before you knew it, Orton nailed Shawn with one of the tag title belts, busting him wide open. The Game was finally tagged in by a bloody HBK, only to badly injure himself. He hit Orton with a Double A spine buster, only to tear his quadriceps muscle. It wasn't long before Michaels completely lost it. He knocked the referee out and then delivered two vile chair shots to the champs. Both Edge and Orton began to bleed like "Stut Pigs" as JR would say. The Game was somehow able to carry on, and Pedigree Edge on JR and King's announce table. HBK then hit an unbelievable elbow drop on Orton, through the Spanish announce table (as always). The best tag team match in the last few years by a mile. Winners: No ContestMatch 6:Carlito vs. Chris Masters. This was a match that I was really looking forward to see. However, it turned out to be the worst match of the night. It only went on for about five or six minutes, which surprised the hell out of me. Highlight of this one was Carlito hitting Masters with a double springboard moonsault. Masters stole the match when he rolled up Carltio and grabbed the tights. The Masterpiece then locked Carlito in the Masterlock after the match. Hugely disappointing. Winner: Chris MastersMatch 7:WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. Umaga. A very entertaining main event. This is probably the most one sided WWE Title match I have ever seen. The monster from Samoa dominated the champ throughout the match. I was praying that we were going to have a new champ, but what do I know, as Cena stole the win. Umaga was about to hit Cena with the Samoan Bulldozer, only for Cena to counter, and for the second NYR main event in a row, roll up his opponent to retain. Winner and still champ: John CenaWell this was a very good effort by RAW, with two or three brilliant matches on offer. Next up is the Royal Rumble, which always excites me. Only three or four weeks to go. Can't Wait!!
kliko400 The first pay- per view of 2007 was not a disappointment that much to kick off the new year with New Years Revolution.First match-Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro w/ Melina in a Steel Cage match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.This was a great steel cage match with no flaws as these two men put on great matches when they are in the ring together. Jeff Hardy wins after escaping through the cage door while Johnny Nitro was crotched on the Steel Cage door. 6/10 Second match- Tag Team Turmoil {Which was announced as a bonus match} A very great Tag Team Turmoil match, probably the best one I saw in quite a while, teams that were included were World's Greatest Tag Team, Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch, The Highlanders, Cryme Tyme & Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Super Crazy. Cryme Tyme win after eliminating Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch as the last team to earn a future World Tag Team Championship title shot. 6/10 Third match- Ric Flair vs. Kenny Dykstra Even though Kenny won, this match still was very good in my opinion, too bad Ric Flair lost by a roll-up by Kenny. 5/10 Fourth match- Victoria vs. Mickie James for the WWE Women's Championship Not really bad but a bit too short to amount anything. Still it's good that Mickie James won after Melina tried to interfere but Maria & Candice Michelle made the save which allowed Mickie James to reverse a Widow's Peak & nail a roll-up on Victoria for the victory. 4/10 Fifth match- DX vs. Rated R-K-O for the World Tag Team Championship in a no disqualification tag team match.Wow, now this is the best match of the night, I don't think I've ever seen a bloodier & so violent tag team match up like this. Too bad the match ended in a no contest as Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton & Edge were all busted up while HHH seriously injured his knee after attempting a spine-buster went wrong. 7/10 Sixth match- Carlito w/ Torrie Wilson vs. Chris Masters Even though I didn't watch Backlash 2006, I reckon their match at Backlash was way better than this, this match was just a bit slow & these two men weren't really putting that much of a fight. 3/10 Seventh match- John Cena vs. Umaga w/ Armando Eljandro Estrada for the WWE Championship.Finally Umaga has met his match against the best wrestler alive today which is WWE Champion John Cena. A great battle by these two men even though it might of been sloppy at times. After failing to attempt at least 3 F-U's, John Cena reverses a Samoan Bulldozer & gets a roll-up on Umaga to retain his WWE Championship & end Umaga's undefeated streak. 5/10 So far this was not a really bad pay-per view but the last two New Years Revolution pay per views might of been a bit better than this one. But this was still a very good pay per view to say the least.Overall: 7/10 & a C