That was an excellent one.
One of my all time favorites.
Adeel Hail
Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
1. Gangrel/Edge/Christian Vs. Acolytes&/Median - Very Good tag match! I Like Farooq/Bradshaw team. Median was the weak part. 8.5/10 2. Hardcore Title Match: Champ-Hardcore Holly Vs. Al Snow - Their backstage brawling was fun. I like that s***. Al became new champ. 8/10 3. Intercontinental Title Match: Goldust Vs. Champ-Godfather - Godfather beat weirdo in a little bit comedy and little bit good way. 7.5/10 4. Road Dogg/Billy Gunn Vs. Jeff Jarrett/Owen hart - This New Age Outlaws catchphrase getting little bit old. Owen had to job in his last PPV match. But match was great. Nice chant: Show your ****** for Debra, I melt from her hot costume. 8.5/10 YES! First PPv appearance of Stephi, my sweetie...5. Boiler Room Brawl: Mankind Vs. Big Show - Hey Foley you are King of Hardcore! I'm worried about you. Well scripted Hardcore. 9/10 6. X-Pac Vs. Triple H - HHH finally won after never ending match. 7/10 7. Ken Shamrock Vs. The Undertaker - I love Taker's Goatee, but they made it quite weak match. 6/10 8. WWF Title Match: The Rock Vs. Stone Cold - Austin won again, nice table break through. 8.5/10
Austin and Rock topped their Wrestlemania match, Mankind and Big Show had a boiler room brawl as the war between Hardcore Holly and Al SNow dragged on in this entertaining PPV, the final one to feature Owen Hart.Well, while Wrestlemania 15 had felt like a genuine culmination, it had left a few stories to be told. Like what was Mankind going to do to Big Show after the heinous beating he'd received at Wrestlemania? And what does it all mean to the Big Show now that he's no longer in the Corporation after punching McMahon? What would McMahon and the Rock do to try and get the WWE Title back off of Austin and what the hell was the deal with the Undertaker and that weird ministry stable? Why had they kidnapped Stephanie? And what was going to happen when he clashed with Ken Shamrock tonight? The night started off with three members of the Undertaker's ministry, Faarooq, Bradshaw and Mideon taking on the Brood (Edge, Christian and Gangrel) in a six man tag match. Mideon brings an eyeball in a jar to the ring to get us going. The match ends with Viscera interfering, distracting Christian who walks into a clothesline from hell from Bradshaw. This was an interesting match. Win goes to the Ministry.This was followed by the latest chapter in the trilogy of hardcore championship matches between Hardcore HOlly and An Snow for the Hardcore Championship. Previously they had brawled into a freezing lake and through city streets, tonight they brawled through a parking lot and some metal doors, before making their way back to the ring where Snow hits Holly with "head" to get the pin and win the Hardcore Championship. I really enjoyed this particularly rivalry and it always seemed to be successful in getting crowds interested early.Next match saw Godfather defeat Goldust to retain the Intercontinnetal Championship. Goldust was 'helped' by the Blue Meanie, who he had been in a rivalry with earlier in the year. Anyway, his help did not help and this was not one of his better matches.Next match saw the Neww Age Outlaws defeat Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett in a decent match. This was Owen's last PPV match. He tragically died in an horrendous accident at the following month's Over the Edge PPV. The win made the Outlaws No.1 contender's for the tag team belts.This was followed by a pretty entertaining Boiler Room match between Mankind and Big Show. Mankind had previously had a Boiler match with Undertaker at Summerslam 1996. Mankind eventually won the match by burying Big Show in heavy boiler pipes. Big Boss Man and Test came in and started beating up Mankind. Big Show helps him out.The interference of Kane was not enough to help his tag team partner X-Pac in our next match, a singles encounter between X-Pac and Triple H. Chyna accompanied Triple H to ring side and continually distracted the referee to allow Trips to cheat. Kane comes in and evens things up, but it's too late as Triple H hits the pedigree for the win.Next comes one of the big matches of the night as Ken Shamrock takes on the Undertaker. This was not a great match and had a stupid ending. I usually try and tell you what happens, no matter how dumb, but this finish can only be comprehended if you actually view it with your own eyes. Taker wins.The main event was built around some pretty nice angles. But to explain it we have to go back in the way back machine to September 1998 when Austin is pinned simultaneously by Kane and the Undertaker, losing the Championship and McMahon runs out of the building with Austin's gimmick belt. Vince McMahon had hoped to return the belt to Austin to get his help with rescuing Stephanie, but Shane McMahon had given the belt to the Rock who had then thrown it and Austin off a bridge. Needless to say this led to a rematch for the WWE Title between the two. And this was a great match. Good wrestling, fun brawling and some funny moments before Austin wins. McMahon hands Austin the gimmick Skull belt and he's doubly celebrating. NIce PPV with a great finish.Now, there will be no review for the next PPV, as I've never seen it. But Basically, The Undertaker's kidnapping of Stephanie was all part of McMahon's plan to lure Austin into a trap. The Corporation and Ministry are actually working together and McMahon is the Higher Power the ministry worships. Undertaker beats Austin at the next PPV to win the title. Due to the death of Owen Hart earlier in the show, all the matches I have seen from that PPV are dreadful. YOu can't blame the wrestlers for being off their game. So, I'll see you when I get round to watching King of the Ring. Nice show that one. The Rock becomes a good guy again after leaving the Corporation and challenges the Undertaker, while Austin battles the McMahons in a handicap ladder match.RIP Owen
Spawn Devil
Match 1: The Brood vs Midian and The Acolytes Midian brought his eyeball to the ring with him. Bradshaw hit a fall away slam on Gangrel. Gangrel and Edge double team Bradshaw with a suplex. Edge hit a nice spinning heel kick on Farooq. Farooq hit Edge with the spinebuster. Midian with a vertical suplex on Edge. Edge did a sunset flip on Midian but no ref to count,Farooq was distracting him. Crowd starts chanting Midian sucks. Midian with a low blow on Edge via headbutt. Edge speared Midian from the second turnbuckle. Christian hit a swinging ddt on Bradshaw for a 2 count. Bradshaw powerbombs Christian but Gangrel made the save. Viscera comes to ringside and shoves Christian into the ring apron. Viscera threw him in the ring and Bradshaw was waiting and delivered a devestating clothesline for the win. Winners: Midian & AcolytesMatch 2: Al Snow vs Bob Holly 'Hardcore Title Match' No Count-Outs, No DQ, falls count anywhere. Holly hits Snow in the head with a jug of water on the outside of the ring. Snow does a moonsault from the safety rail onto Holly laying on the floor for a 2 count. Snow used a hockey stick on Holly.He broke it in half and beat him repeatedly with it. Snow gets a table from under the ring. Holly suplexes Snow on the concrete floor. Both men fought all the way to the back. Holly was gonna hit Snow with the kitchen sink but Snow shot him in the eye with water from a water hose. Snow and Holly fought all the way out of the building. Holly shoved Snow off the stairs into a dumpster. Holly jumped off the stairs into the dumpster on Snow. Holly attempted a pin in the dumpster. The ref was even in the dumpster making the count. Holly and Snow fought in the audio truck. Snow hip-tossed Holly out of the audio truck onto the hood of a car. Holly and Snow made their way back into the arena. Snow hit Holly in the head with a skillet. Snow places Holly on a table in the ring and Holly sneaks up on him while he was climbing the ropes and hits him with the skillet. Holly superplexed Snow right through the table! Both men out. Holly got an arm over Snow but Snow kicked out after two. Snow hit Holly right in the face with Head and got the 3 count. Winner and new Hardcore Champion: Al SnowMatch 3: Goldust w/Meanie vs The Godfather 'IC Title Match' Godfather went running into the ropes but got tripped up by Meanie. Goldust hit a lariat for a 2 count. Meanie getting his cheap shots in when the ref's back is turned. Meanie handed Goldustn a baggie full of powder. Goldust went to throw it on Godfather but Godfather hit him before he could throw it and it went right back in Goldust' face. Godfather threw Meanie right into Goldust then he did the hoe train on both of them. Godfather then picked up Goldust and did the death valley driver on him for the three count. Winner and still IC Champ: The GodfatherMatch 4: NAO vs JJ and Owen w/Debra This match is to determine the number one contender for the tag team championship. Debra came to the ring wearing a bikini. Lots of talk about puppies from Lawler and the NAO. Debra kept trying to show Billy Gunn her puppies but JJ would never let her,so Road Dog got back on the mic and told Billy to show her his ass and he did then Owen and JJ attacked and the bell rang. Crowd chants "Show your puppies." Owen hit the insegury (sp?) on Road Dog for a 2 count. JJ dropkicks Road Dog out of the ring. Road Dog does a backslide on Owen but the ref had his back turned. Owen hit a spinning heel kick on Road Dog and Billy makes the save. Owen puts the sleeper on Road Dog in the middle of the ring. Owen and Road Dog clothesline each other at the same time. Billy gets tagged in and starts cleaning house. Billy clotheslines JJ out of the ring. Road Dog does a pump handle slam on Owen. Billy kicked JJ out of the ring and did the famouser on Owen while he had the sharpshooter on Road Dog. Road Dog pinned Owen. Winners: New Age OutlawsMatch 5: 'Boiler Room Brawl' Paul Wight vs Mankind (First man to walk out of the boiler room wins.) This match started with the camera going to the back following Paul Wight into the boiler room. Mankind came out of no where and attacked Wight. Mankind tried to shove him in a high voltage electrical closet. Mankind hit Wight with pieces of sheetrock. Wight put Mankind in a shopping cart and shoved it right into a wall ejecting Mankind head first into the wall. Wight chokeslammed Mankind through two table with glass on top of it. Mankind bends a pipe in half over Wight's back then racks him with it. Mankind makes it out of the boiler room and Teddy Long declares him the winner. Right after that Bossman and Test came out of no where and attacked Mankind. Winner: MankindMatch 6: Xpac vs Triple H w/Chyna Xpac shoves HHH into the steel steps. HHH shoves Xpac face first into the spanish announce table. HHH with a foot to the face of Xpac. Xpac did a spinning heel kick on HHH. Xpac stomped HHH down in the corner but missed the Bronco Buster when HHH moved out of the way. Chyna gets a cheap shot in on Xpac. HHH with a knee to the back of Xpac's head for a 2 count. HHH did a facebuster on Xpac. Chyna dropped Xpac over the safety rail. HHH doing a lot of work on Xpac's neck. Xpac did an inside cradle for a 2 count. HHH with a sleeper hold on Xpac. Xpac did a sleeper of his own on HHH but HHH rammed him into the turnbuckles. HHH suplexed Xpac right on his head. Xpac hits a roundhouse heel kick. Xpac clotheslines HHH. Xpac hit a swinging ddt from the top rope on HHH. Chyna on the ring apron. Xpac with a blatant low blow on HHH. Xpac sends HHH into the steel steps. Ref gets knocked out from a baseball slide by Xpac. Chyna comes in the ring and racks Xpac them hits an inverted ddt on him. Kane's music comes over the loud speakers. Kane went to chokeslam Chyna but HHH hit him. Kane chokeslams HHH. Kane chokeslams Chyna. Kane dragged HHH and Chyna into opposite corners setting them up for the bronco buster from Xpac. Xpac does the bronco buster on HHH and Chyna. HHH came from behind Xpac after het got done doing the bronco buster to Chyna and nailed him with the pedigree for the 3 count. Winner: Triple HMatch 7: Ken Shamrock vs The Undertaker Shamrock wastes no time starting the match. UT clotheslines Shamrock. UT did the tight rope walk on Shamrock. UT suplexes Shamrock for a 2 count. Shamrock did a sunset flip on UT then put a leg submission move on UT. Shamrock working on UT's leg. Shamrock places UT's ankle over the steel steps then jumps on it. UT did a drop toe hold on Shamrock. Shamrock with a arm bar on UT. Shamrock knocks UT off the ring apron and UT hits the security railing. UT slams Shamrock into the steel steps. UT with a backbreaker on Shamrock. UT puts the point of his elbow in Shamrock's back. UT slams Shamrock then does a leg drop on him then Shamrock puts UT in a leg submission move. UT counters with a half boston crab. UT with a big boot to the face on Shamrock. Shamrock does a huricanrana on UT for a 2 count. Shamrock lock on the ankle lock submission. Bradshaw tries to interfere but Shamrock knocks him off the ring apron. Shamrock with a belly to belly suplex on UT. UT tombstones Shamrock for the 3 count. Winner: The UndertakerMatch 8: The Rock vs Steve Austin 'World Title Match' Austin ran to the ring and immediately the 2 locked up. Rock with a swinging neckbreaker on SCSA. Rock clotheslines SCSA in the aisle. Rock hits SCSA in the head with a fire extinguisher. Rock slings SCSA into a chain link fence. SCSA suplexes Rock on the floor. SCSA chokes Rock with some audio cable. Rock clotheslines SCSA and then chokes him with the audio cables. SCSA throws Rock into the steel steps. SCSA stomps Rock down in the corner. SCSA comes off the apron with a clothesline on Rock. Rock puts the rock bottom on SCSA through the spanish announce table. Rock hits SCSA with a piece of the announce table in the back. SCSA gives Rock the stunner on JR and Lawler's announce table. Rock puts the rock bottom on SCSA in the middle of the ring for a 2 count. Shane accidently hits Rock in the head with the belt when SCSA ducked.SCSA went for the pin but Shane wouldnt count and left the ring. Vince came to ringside. Vince hits Shane with the smoking skull belt. Vince makes Hebner the ref. SCSA hits the stunner on Rock on the belt. Hebner makes the 3 count. Vince tosses SCSA the smoking skull belt. Winner: Steve AustinNot that bad of a PPV, some matches I thought could have been scraped. This PPV derserves a B-