Worlds Apart

7| 1h56m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 22 February 2008 Released
Producted By: Nordisk Film Denmark
Country: Denmark
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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17-year-old Sara leads a sheltered existence with her family, members of Jehovah’s Witnesses, when she meets the outsider Teis and falls in love. Sara, herself a believer, now faces an important turning point in her life as she is forced to choose between religion and love.



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Niels Arden Oplev

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Nordisk Film Denmark


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Worlds Apart Audience Reviews

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
jegpad A true story of the painful experience suffered by a good girl wanting to do right by her family whilst it dawns on her that the religious sect she was born into places a doomsday belief above simple humanity.She and her family are subjected to sentencing by a cabal of men who are called 'elders' whenever they stray from the path of Jehovah. Wrong doers who smoke, fornicate or receive blood transfusions risk being expelled from the chosen few who believe a happy life will be theirs after Armageddon.The strong irony of adulterous men being forgiven is in stark contrast to the wrath shown towards a teenage girl who loves her family deeply and wants to please them, yet is exposed to the normal temptations of an adolescent.We need more films such as this in a world where increasing religious fanaticism and evangelism are threatening the intelligent evolution of man and women kind.The girl on whom the film is based gives her stamp of approval by making a very brief appearance.The saddest thing of all is the excruciating loneliness suffered by those who are expelled from a tightly enclosed religious sect and treated as though they are dead. What a compassionate bunch of nitwits!
vcee2 My sentiments resemble that of staryfifi. Any director should consult people of the faith, that aren't bitter/scorn if looking for real accuracy. Fornication and adultery are wrong no matter what faith you belong to because the bible, God's word says that. Any avid Bible Reader remembers the priest who allowed his sons to commit fornication in the temple. He lost his life because he condoned wrongdoing. I have many friends who chose to do what they wanted and instead of carrying on a facade, lying (adding more sins to the mix), they just went to the brothers and disassociated themselves. If that's what a person chooses to do, no one stops them. Major inaccuracies: 1) Elders don't hunt people down, if they happen to see them or make a shepherding call and know they are having problems, they try to encourage them to seek help, disfellowshipping is a LAST resort, they are in the business of helping not hurting. 2) There is no leader, they are bodies that are all in agreement on various things & meet in committees to make decisions 3) We are educated people. The world headquarters has doctors, lawyers, nurses, electricians, engineers, etc. I have 2 degrees that I pursued while I participated in the ministry regularly and worked full-time. I am not alone, there are many like me, some doctors and teachers. 4)People are not told they will die, they are encouraged to follow a course that will 'ensure' they remain in God's memory. Only God can read hearts & can condemn or excuse a person. Ultimately he will choose. As humans, that is not our place. Any person that wants to sin and not answer to God for anything, is truly selfish and will not really be happy.
synrgii First, to expect this movie to be like every other movie is unfair. It does not exist for the sole reason to entertain you like "Die Hard" or "Shawshank Redemption." To say it was "melodramatic" is ridiculous. Why? Because this is what REAL JW's have to deal with, exactly. This is a recreation of their REAL world. I just watched it with a room full of exJW's, with multiple females in it having gone through nearly identical situations and even disfellowshippings. I know at least 3 others that have gone through the same. So it's really like saying some people's religion and even lives are "melodramatic." Well then, fine, if that's your prerogative having NEVER been a JW. This movie has tremendous value in it clearly showing you the overwhelming no-win complexity in choices that most non-JW (or maybe non-cult) people never have to struggle with. So, don't downgrade this highly accurate movie on that petty concept because of your ignorance. Not everything is about "movie" entertainment value.Second, further along the lines of so-called mistakes in accuracy: * A) There ARE dark depressing Kingdom Halls. Having previously been a JW for 25 years and attending DOZENS of them, I can say that they do indeed exist and I have been in numerous. * B) Elders in a few other countries ARE allowed to wear beards. * C) whether they closed the prayers correctly in completely inconsequential. * D) Students ARE often encouraged to not pursue education. I know many JW's who sacrificed careers and education because of 1975 alone. I personally was directly asked 15 years ago when I would quit college to pioneer. It happens plenty and is in writing in the WTS publications about how good pioneering is and potentially bad education is (because the kids start to think for themselves and never come back!). So don't downgrade this highly valuable movie on a handful of petty concepts because of your ignorance. That's like saying the whole Ferrari is weak because of the lugnuts.Really in addition to a number of other concrete or abstract aspects, this movie was in large part about her TRULY opening her eyes to the cult she was seemingly trapped in and standing up for herself enough, against everyone, to escape. Many of us exJW's have lost it ALL (friends, parents, children, spouse, career, health, retirement, education, etc) and fought through solitude, loneliness, pressure, etc. with integrity and more courage than most people will ever have to muster. She portrays this PERFECTLY and BEAUTIFULLY. So don't downgrade this highly accurate movie just because you haven't TRULY opened your eyes or mustered your own strength to leave in your own JW cult-controlled life, or if you never have been a JW yourself. That's unfair.That being said...Please watch this movie. Everyone.If you were a JW and went through a hard time (disfellowshipped or similar) then this movie may really touch you and help you feel understood.If you need to explain to someone else what it's like to be a JW and all the crazy games everyone plays in the cult, then this movie is almost certainly perfect to do so.If you want to understand that JW's are not just some nutcases that come knock on your door and are actually humans that are caught up in a difficult life of soul-crushing conformity and insanity-provoking mind-control, some of which is not really their fault (like if they were raised as a child in it and got wired that way), then this movie may really help you understand them and cut them some slack. It can be completely overwhelming to be a JW sometimes as perfection is expected/demanded and humans are not perfect. The pressure can be truly unbearable at times when you think your life and even those of numerous others around you may be LITERALLY decided upon based on your actions, doubts, and/or perfect conformity. And you may not have ANYONE around to share that with that will talk to you anymore. Literally look you in the eye and walk by as if you don't even exist.The acting was truly superb by EVERYONE in the movie, as well as any other aspects of a "movie" that you expect, as the awards it earned shows. I am very grateful for the time and effort they put to get it right, instead of just "close enough" while trying to make a $.Please watch this movie and think/feel what a small percentage of the REAL people in our world deal with on a daily basis. Everyone. This is NOT just another "movie," but so much more than that.
stephanlinsenhoff Worlds Apart begins with infidelity, committed by the father but repent by the community. As the mother does not forgive her husband, she has her reasons, the children should decide: she has to leave the house for an apartment (where she secretly sees her expelled son; his sin was reading the wrong books). Centered is the daughter, her father and the community. Saras way out from a sheltered, warm childhood into the cold outside-world starts subtle. Initiated by her fathers adultery, though repent by the community and not accepted by his wife; here Saras thinking begins. Word and action dis-coordinate for the true, passionate believer. Here and not her sinful love for Teis (based on lies and sex, a sin in the everything-seeing eye of Jehova, mediated by her father and the elder) starts off her doubts: the father and not the lover. Even in pre-paradise is a tempting snake. The snake here is Saras friend Thea, eager to tempted, doing something forbidden (internetchatting and disco). Three kinds of young witness Thea speaks off: the unfaithful, the between, the faithful (Thea the between, Sara as the faithful on her way, passing between, to be beyond the unfaithful) Thea backs anxious, realizing that it has gone too far. It is Thea, telling Saras father what happened when the friend is needed. Is Theas accident a scarifying suicide for what she has done by denying blood transfusion, knowing that death is for the higher cause? Saras questions and answers increase in strength – as well her self-thinking and self-deciding, standing her ground when tested by her father (he always tells her that her decision is hers, but he regards it not as a good idea), the community – and society. To be with Teis, against her fathers and the community's wish, Sara 'moves' to her mother (their conversation shows that daughter and mother understand each other, the mother waiting and hoping for this moments), the toothbrush and clothes with Ties, observed by her sister. Two bedrooms in case father and the community make their checks. Lies and two lives. Finally, as her brother, Sara is expelled: the first step done by her father. Sara: "Do not hide behind Jehova. It is your decision". After Theas funeral, Sara appears uninvited, her fathers accusation: that she is selfish, not thinking that she hurts him, her sister and brother. Sara asks: "Do you love me?", he: "Why do you ask, of course I do" and Sara: "Do you love God more than me?" The fathers yes is responded by her: "Why?", followed by his answer: "He has made me. He is the father in heaven, he can give me eternal life." Sara: "Father. I believe this is very selfish of you." And her father: "You can repent and return that we again can be a family". Sara: "Good bye, father." The last scene in a train car, Sara leaves for Copenhagen, where she will train for a teacher, never seeing her family again. And to Jehova: "Jehova, this is the last time we talk to each other. I do not believe in you any more." The Swedish SVT1-anouncement, 2010-05-10 22.00 for To Verderner/Worlds Apart tells The Swedish SVT1-anouncement, 2010-05-10 22.00 for To Verderner tells that Sara has to choose between religion and love. It is not this. It is so much more. Neither religion or love but 'naked' freedom, the strength to be persona non grata, the unwelcome person. For Tabita Broener (Sara) it was painful years journey. What is left behind will always be a companion in daily life, for better or worse. One of the reasons to leave, hardly noticeable, is the subtle tempting danger of spiritual and physical incest. With Lacan: the Third is absent, opening the door for incest. The decision of leaving is always personal. But to go to action, help is needed. Tabita Broeners story was read by the director and co-writer Niels Arden Oplev 2006 in Berlingske Tidende. A journey of many years was movie transformed to a year. The director uses neutral respect, only facts speak, helped by an expelled consult. Generally, wherever political and religious 'sects' are, the same is observed: leaving the warm (incestious) room, you are marked as 'persona non grata'. The lacanian No/m du Père: the empty space of l'ordre symbolique is not empty but occupied by l'ordre imaginaire. Mirrorreflecting to the members what Jehovah, told by the elders, what is wright and what is wrong. The absence of the No/m du Père makes the mentioned incest possible. It is this that is the danger and that Sara falls in love with the disturbing Third, Teis. It does not matter if he sees what Sara sacrifices and should balance. He was just a stepping stone for life outside and is too much the symbol of the past. Not only the community is closed-minded, also Teis parents are insensitive, practice self-righteous hypocrisy. Many members of such communities do not question the base of faith, do not brake out, unsatisfied what they have. Few, as Sara, are consciously hungry for more, without the courage to look for it outside. This is the reason why her brother returns to the fold of the community, telling Sara that he is unable to 'live isolated and lonely' – meaning outside their family. To see the mother and Sara secretly and not at all father his other sister and the little confused brother . If critic wants to see, which is not true, it is here. The description of the organizations effect on the family and how they handle it. These scenes are heartbreaking. Questioned, the organizations will answer with passages from the Bible – still: it is sad. Sad, as this method is well used in other political and religious organizations.