Doing a supposed satirical comedy about a conflict that last for almost 2 decades and has cot numerous losses of humans lives is a challenge. This one has also failed. Remember the amputee soldier? Not funny. Make sex at any cost? Gross. Talk dirty is not funny is cheap joke. This movie miss the point of trying to show a conflict in a country ravaged by extremists, terror attacks, cronic corruption, inhospitable land in a funny way.
Walter Goldenberg
I didn't know, going into this movie, that Lorne Michaels of SNL fame (or infamy) had had a hand in it, but I did know about Tina Fey, and consequently I braced myself for the usual left-wing drivel about American imperialism, male chauvinism, Western racism and {insert whatever other leftist trope comes to mind}.Happily, I was 100% wrong.WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT is funny (thanks in no small part to Ms. Fey) and touching, and far more importantly, it's REAL. It's one of those rare movies which convinces you that you're watching, not a mere movie, but instead a heartfelt effort to depict the real world, for better or worse. And in this, it follows in the time-honored tradition of what is perhaps the most rewarding form of literature, namely the true-life, first-person narratives of strangers in strange lands. I was reminded of, among other things, the HBO series BIG LOVE, whose producers aver that they set out not to judge Mormons but to describe them - to leave behind all of their own bigotry and to treat them, as would any serious anthropologist, as a cultural phenomenon, without effort to praise or blackguard them.WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT is what all serious movies should be and, more importantly, what all serious journalism should be. But sadly, of course, this is far from true nowadays.
This is one of my favorite Tina Fey movies since it shows her acting range and isn't just a comedy. It is more of a drama than a comedy since it is about War Journalism, and is both "light" and "heavy" at the same time. I have watched it a few times and look forward to watching it again fairly soon.