War, Inc.

2008 "When it comes to war... America means business"
5.5| 1h46m| R| en| More Info
Released: 28 April 2008 Released
Producted By: New Crime Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.firstlookstudios.com/films/warinc/

In the future, the desert country of Turaqistan is torn by a riot after private corporation Tamerlane, owned by the former Vice President of the United States, has taken over. Brand Hauser, a hitman who suppresses his emotions by gobbling down hot sauce, is hired by the corporation's head to kill the CEO of their competitors.

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Joshua Seftel

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War, Inc. Audience Reviews

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
MBunge The people who made this monstrosity all deserve to get shot in the face by Dick Cheney. It is a dumb, ridiculously caricatured, snotty little mishmash of cartoonish criticisms badly aimed at President George W. Bush and Iraq. Whenever you hear Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or other conservatives whining about Hollywood liberals, films like War, Inc. are exactly what they mean.Brand Hauser (John Cusack) is an assassin in a black suit who's been given a new assignment. He's to go to the Middle Eastern nation of Turaqistan and kill a businessman who's threatening U.S. interests in the region. Hauser is also supposed to be running a trade show that's showing off the latest products of Tamerlane, the company that's been put in charge of rebuilding Turaqistan after invading it with a mercenary army. Oh, and Hauser is supposed to make sure that global pop sensation Yonica Babyyeah (Hilary Duff) gets married to her Turaqi fiancée. While doing all that, he also finds time to romance a leftist journalist named Natlie Hegalhuzen (Marisa Tomei), who's come to Turaqistan to expose what's going on in the country. That's all I'm going to tell you about the plot of this movie because remembering even that much is giving me post traumatic stress flashbacks.Basically, War, Inc. is supposed to be a satire about the U.S. occupation in Iraq and the use of private military contractors as an instrument of American foreign policy. That's what it's supposed to be. What it actually is, is an insultingly awful, nonsensical, arrogant, self-righteous, 107 minute long fart of a film. The story is beyond stupid. The characters have all the depth of pudding skin that's been left out in the Sun to dry. The humor is cringe-inducingly unfunny. The satire has all the bite of a toothless meth addict. The movie's portrayal of Arabs would be racist if it weren't so incompetent that you can't be sure what you're seeing. Even the sets and the costumes look cheap, like they were borrowed from a VH1 dating show. Every second you watch this movie is like getting slapped in the face with a stinky catfish. Every moment you listen to this film is like hearing puppies crying. I actually couldn't view War, Inc. all the way through in a single sitting. I had to stop halfway through, pop myself some popcorn and have a drink of water because it felt like my brain was going to seep out of my ears.Joan Cusack gives the worst performance of her career in this rotting turkey. If a Joan Cusack sex tape ever comes out, I'm sure she'll do a better acting job in that than she does in War, Inc. Hilary Duff is so terrible, this role should end her career. I don't just mean as an actress. Based on her work here, she should never be hired again to act, sing, write, direct or even work security at a studio lot. The only job she should be able to get is something in the field of medical waste disposal.The only way I could make it through this movie without killing myself was to squint really, really, really, really hard and pretend that the Cusacks and Dan Aykroyd were making a sequel to Gross Pointe Blank where Martin Blank was having a very bad acid trip.The only people who should like War, Inc. are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice. That's because compared to the pretentious jackasses who made this movie, they don't look all that bad. Sarah Palin shouldn't have spent the 2008 campaign telling voters that Barack Obama "pal'd around with terrorists". She should have said he pal'd around with these filmmakers. She and John McCain would have won in a landslide.
James Myers (jomyers-876-475480) Not Grosse Point Blank by a long shot, but still an alright film; think critics are being a bit overly critical here but maybe that's just me, the film sort of blows but Cusack's performance in this film is great –it like Martin Blank 10 years on (see Grosse Point Blank). I'd say that Cusack needs to find a new agent, and fast, as his talent seems to be being wasted on rubbish as of late. Even in films that suck he himself always puts on a good performance. There is some great dialogue from Cusack akin to the aforementioned Grosse Point Blank; but sadly not even close to the same calibre. This film was recommended to me by a friend saying it was' the spiritual sequel to Grosse Point Blank' and in that I can see the comparison.Like most sequel it blows when compared to the 'original'. This film just seems to be trying to relive the best bits of Grosse Point Blank (GPB) but fails. I think due to the very slapstick, and immature style of the satire in the film. In GPB there was no political commentary behind it; it was just a beautifully executed 'dark romantic comedy'.The fact that this film touched on a very real issues with obvious links to recent international events should have made this a dark, edgy film, and hilarious but as I said above, due to the immature style that it seem to approach it with just ruins that poetical, and just lowers the tone of the film; this is only highlighted more by the sometimes though provoking dialogue between Cusack's and Tomie's characters; making it feel like you're watching two different films at the same time and nether gel together right. If you've never seen GPB then watch War Inc. first and follow up with GPB as War Inc. will only enhance the comic genius behind GPB.
gotofritz Movies like this are easy to review: absolutely rubbish with no saving grace. As a viewer you are always two steps ahead of the plot, such as it is. At least it doesn't take itself too seriously - except for the bits where someone delivers A Political Message.The acting is not so bad, except for Hilary Duff's awful accent - or should I say accentS since she keeps slipping in and out of hers. But the story goes nowhere. I agree with the anti-war sentiment behind the movie, but the execution is absolutely terrible. Too much kookiness without actually being funny. A movie that will sink without trace.
skeptic skeptical This film tried to be too many things all at once: stinging political satire, Hollywood blockbuster, sappy romantic comedy, family values promo... the list goes on and on. It failed miserably at all of them, but there was enough interest to keep me from turning it off until the end.Although I appreciate the spirit behind WAR, INC., it depresses me to see such a clumsy effort, especially when it will be taken by its targets to reflect the lack of the existence of a serious critique, rather than simply the poor writing, direction, and production of this particular film.There is a critique to be made about the corporatization of war. But poking fun at it in this way diminishes the true atrocity of what is happening. Reminds me a bit of THREE KINGS, which similarly trivializes a genuine cause for concern.