Please don't spend money on this.
It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Two young entrepreneurs open up a voyeuristic Internet site. One by one the models are being killed off. Reason? None.In a generic slasher like this there needs to be some entertaining kills and a decent amount of blood. The movie opens up with a throat stabbing that's pretty bloody and promising, but after that all of the kills are exactly the same and not graphic at all. There's 3 stomach stabbings, 3 throats slit, and a LAME decapitation. Every single kill is exactly the same.There's a constant voice over through the entire movie that gives away who the killer is. It's done extremely poorly. The audio is muffled and they kicked in cheesy rock music every time there was about to be some nudity. I felt like I was watching a soft core Playboy video half of the time. I'm still not ever sure what I just watched.As far as acting goes, Jena Romano really wasn't so bad as the shy main character. Other than that, most everyone was on the same acting level. Two of the other girls in the house were completely terrible, but the script was I guess it was just a combination. It would be a waste of time to talk about any actors though...they will never be in another movie.Final Thoughts: I don't know what in the hell I just watched. Soft core porn, bad acting, lame kills, NO PLOT WHATSOEVER, and ripping off Scream is not the way to go about making a good movie. The opening scene was such a blatant ripoff of Scream it wasn't even funny. The phone call with the voice and the questions... lame. The killer even used a similar voice changer. The one thing I learned from this movie is that washed up 30 year old women like to blow bubbles and strip together. What a pile of crap.
This is a evil, ugly film. Not only do the makers think we're stupid having one body double for seven girls. (like we couldn't tell). But the moral is sexual morals or die. This is a piece of dung and should be burned!!!
at least they tried...surprisingly funny & honest actors in an otherwise retarded production. Is this the future of DV? Let's hope not, but hey, at least they gave it a shot. Hey, how many of your friends' cheap flicks made it international and into the big chain vid stores? A for effort, C- for fare. (But wait a minute, how come the chains are picking this thing up???!)
I have to say, the concept was ok, the movie itself was bad. It was almost like watching a very bad version of Scream. It would have been a lot better if they would have put some thought into the plot. Took some time and made it a real stalker movie. I would not advise anyone to rent this movie, wait to see it on USA or something. This is probably the first channel that will run it.Maybe I should get into show business. I could have written a better plot to this movie.