Why so much hype?
the audience applauded
Great Film overall
Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
First, thank you so much for taking all the time and effort to create Vegucated. It truly changed my life. I was so uneducated about what happened behind the scenes when it came to how animals/fowl became table food. I had a feeling it was bad and was like "Out of site, out of mind" which I think most people feel the same. After watching this, it made me realized how utterly clueless I was. I cannot imagine how people work at these places, how do they sleep at night? I wish I could stand on the roof tops and yell out to people what is really going on! This video should be mandatory to be seen by everyone. Again, thank you for being the person who literally changed my life and me becoming a Vegan. You are amazing!
Nicole DiNezza
Not a bad movie overall (I really liked the format of following people and teaching them), but ironically not as focused on HEALTH as I would like to have seen.My two biggest problems with the movie are as follows:1. Anything vegan was automatically given a "free pass" and labeled as healthy. In reality, the host taught the three people to rely very heavily on highly processed meat-replacement foods. As one point the host happily told them that store bought frosting and teddy grams were vegan, so they were free game and I wanted to scream at the TV. For this reason, I think that the producers and host are either not very knowledgeable about nutrition and/or they don't care about health as much as they do the animals...2. They really didn't spend a lot of time talking about HEALTH in this movie, oddly. The bulk of the movie was trying to convince them (and you) to go vegan, but they didn't approach it from an angle about becoming healthy so much as they tried to scare and disgust people by showing clips of animals being abused. Granted, there was the guest appearance of Dr. F, but the movie really disappointed me in that regard.For my full review, see: blog/a-review-of-vegucated
My big problem with this "documentary" is that it presents itself as more of an anti-meat propaganda film than a serious scientific documentary. Vegucated took an extremely biased approach to veganism and the meat industry. The filmmaker chose to show us nothing but the most fantastic aspects of the meat-packing industry. The pretentious narrative was also very obnoxious. The three people picked for the "study" from Craigslist were laughably suggestible. The film would have been far more interesting if they had picked some people whose values weren't based on the direction of the wind. It's very frustrating to watch a film that claims to be a documentary and even uses the educational motif when it turns out to be nothing more than pro-vegan anti-meat fear-mongering and brainwashing. People should eat what they chose to without feeling the need to be validated or pressure others to adopt their choices.A mild favoritism towards veganism/vegetarianism would have been completely acceptable but this film didn't even entertain the fact that meat, in moderation, is entirely healthy, viable, and in many cases necessary, in the human diet. I chuckled when they went to the vegan market proudly advertising cigarettes on their marquee. It was also interesting to watch them go from talking about how healthy the vegan diet is and then go straight to saying that double-stuffed Oreos can be part of it. The fact is that there is absolutely nothing natural or necessarily healthy about veggie burgers, tofu, or veganaise. Had this film had taken a more unbiased and scientific approach it would have been credible to those of us who can think for ourselves.
I sat down to watch this with a friend, who is female, and felt like I did a number on her. Seemed like a nice little flick about some good looking blonde girl who lost some weight and wanted to share her insights about her new diet. There is a brief shot of her staring at her teevee while she grimaces over the (unseen) footage of factory farming, but then she is running around being cute and she gets some New Yorkers to try the vegan diet for six weeks. They eat their good bye meal to meat and animal products at a steak house . They good naturedly show what is in their fridges which is largely meat and dairy, or show their dad cooking up big piles of meat and lovin' it. It's all kind of fun and light hearted. Then, in the middle of the film she and her three recruits hit the movie theater to watch a documentary about factory farming. This time, you get to watch too. That night my friend had nightmares. I would say people who are the least bit squeamish need to prepare themselves. If you are an advocate of "ignorance is bliss" about where your meal comes from, skip this.