What a beautiful movie!
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
They taught us that if you're going out into the wilderness, you'd best bring everything you need to survive with you. And that still holds true today. I thought this flick was pretty good for a monster movie. About what you'd expect, maybe better than the average Big Foot story. I didn't 'get' the Sergio character, though. He seemed to me to be unnecessary and kind of annoying.
I thought this movie was great. Yes, it has moments where the acting and logic had some flaws, but if you can ignore those few occurrences, then this is a great movie. I thought the bigfoots were realistic and believable, and I was on the edge of my seat most of the time. One part of the movie was based on the actual testimony of a man that said he was kidnapped by several bigfoots and he offered them chewing tobacco and he said one of them just ate the entire can - and they had that incident exactly as testified in the move - which I thought was great. It's the best bigfoot movie I've ever seen. Ignore the haters and watch it!
After waiting for over a year for this movie to come I finally got to watch it. It's not that good. Bad acting and uninteresting characters. If you want to watch a really good Bigfoot movie I highly suggest watching "Exists". Now that's a Bigfoot movie. "Hunting Grounds" pales in comparison.
alex (doorsscorpywag)
Father and son lose everything and go to live in a cabin in the woods. They invite some Mexican night watchman and another kid and go on a hunting trip. Unknown to them the woods are filled with a family of very small Bigfoot who proceed to hide behind trees and make hooting noises.The four hunters are quite stupid as they run around like idiots sometimes off on their own instead of staying together as sensible people would. Eventually they end up at the mine the Mexican was supposed to look after and can't find the bloke the Mexican hired as a replacement so he could go on the trip. In an earlier scene the Mexican bloke starts firing and explained he saw something furry and 3 foot taller than he was which we have to imagine as we see nothing bigger than a squirrel. The same dude never bothers to mention that after running off like an idiot earlier he fell down a slope and found himself surrounded by human flesh hanging from the trees. Something I would have considered worth sharing with my companions. So now we know where the watchman went.Anyway these little Bigfoot kidnap dad leaving the Mexican to go mental and kill his mate while another guy from the firsts scene turns up and tells his tale of being kidnapped and anally probed by Bigfoot. I may have become confused with another film for that last scene but by this time I was so bored I was making sh#t up myself. Then dad reappears and all hell breaks loose for the final couple of scenes as Bigfoot attacks the cabin although seems to have trouble smashing through really thin doors and walls. The Bigfoot scenes were pretty awful as some small bloke in a monkey suit tried to portray the awesome power of an 8 foot evolutionary throwback. But never looked anything other than a small bloke in a monkey suit. The cheesy grin Bigfoot had made the scenes even more ridiculous. Be warned Bigfoot on the movie poster does not appear. Anyway terrible film with some absolutely awful acting. I think the bloke in the monkey suits wrote the script as it seemed to be something written by chimps. No drama, no suspense just 4 idiots in the woods and some men in monkey suits.By the way my review title comes from the last line of a much better Bigfoot tale Lost Coast Tapes which is worth watching.